The Secret History Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret History Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Henry react to Bunny's discovery when he finds Bunny sitting at his desk?
(a) He breaks Bunny's arm.
(b) He slaps Bunny hard across the face.
(c) He punches Bunny in the stomach.
(d) He pushes Bunny out of the room.

2. What shocking thing does Richard see when he enters Prof. Morrow's office on the first day of class?
(a) His five classmates.
(b) Bunny in class alone with Prof. Morrow.
(c) There are two new students.
(d) The classroom has been painted fuscia.

3. What does Bunny do when the check arrives after his and Richard's long, expensive lunch?
(a) He leaves a hundred dollar tip.
(b) He explains he forgot his wallet.
(c) He leaves the table and Richard has to pay the bill.
(d) He offers to call a cab.

4. How does Richard begin to feel about Bunny as the boy continues to torment him and his friends?
(a) He grows to wish Bunny would be his roommate.
(b) He grows to hate Bunny.
(c) He grows to trust Bunny's insightfulness.
(d) He grows to respect Bunny's intellect.

5. What happens to Henry while he is in Rome with Bunny?
(a) He develops chickenpox.
(b) He develops a stomach flu.
(c) He developes a migrana headache.
(d) He develops malaria.

6. Where is Julian Morrow's office?
(a) In the library.
(b) In the Lyceum.
(c) In the administration building.
(d) On the third floor of the languages building.

7. Why does the group identify Bunny as their biggest problem?
(a) Bunny knows about the murder and will not keep quiet.
(b) Bunny is hurt about being left out for the night in the field.
(c) Bunny wants to tell his parents about the murder.
(d) Bunny is asking them for a million dollars as blackmail.

8. Who among Richard's college friends are orphans?
(a) Henry and Bunny.
(b) Charles and Bunny.
(c) Frances and Camilla.
(d) Charles and Camilla.

9. Why does Richard go to Henry's apartment on Thursday morning after the group has been missing for four days?
(a) To ask him about Bunny.
(b) To talk about Camilla.
(c) To talk to him about moving in as a roommate.
(d) To find his missing text book.

10. What song does Bunny sing occasionally that agitates everyone in the group except Richard?
(a) The Farmer in the Dell.
(b) Twinkle, Twinkle.
(c) Three Blind Mice.
(d) Five Little Monkeys.

11. What kind of car does Francis drive?
(a) Fiat convertible.
(b) Jaguar convertiable.
(c) BMW convertible.
(d) Mustang convertible.

12. What language does Richard want to pursue while in college?
(a) Italian.
(b) German.
(c) Greek.
(d) Spanish.

13. Why does Judy Poovey dislike Henry?
(a) Henry beat up a friend of hers.
(b) Henry stole money from her.
(c) Henry lied to her when they were dating.
(d) Henry broke her best friend's heart.

14. Where does Richard shave and shower during winter break?
(a) In the cellar of the Commons.
(b) In Dr. Roland's apartment.
(c) In the bathroom in the warehouse.
(d) At the truckstop.

15. What music does Bunny like to play in his dorm room?
(a) Beethoven's First Piano Concerto.
(b) John Philip Sousa marches.
(c) s Canon.
(d) Handel's Messiah.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Richard find out about the warehouse accommodations?

2. What does Richard dread as the end of his first term at Hampden draws near?

3. Where does Richard stay for the last few days of winter break before he can get into his dorm room?

4. What is the next trip Bunny has planned for himself and Henry in the summer?

5. What show did Richard watch on Sunday nights as a child?

(see the answer keys)

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