The Second Ring of Power Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Second Ring of Power Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to La Gorda, the double was so called because it was double the ______ of the person.
(a) Color.
(b) Strength.
(c) Size.
(d) Shape.

2. Nestor went back and forth to learn from the Mazatec sorcerer ______ times before he had enough energy to return to this world.
(a) Eleven.
(b) Six.
(c) Ten.
(d) Eight.

3. The three Genaros reveal to Carlos over the dinner table that the reason they called Don Juan the nagual is because, like him, he was ______.
(a) Split in two.
(b) A witch.
(c) A sorcerer.
(d) Unified.

4. Don Juan stated that when the _____comes out it separates the layers which then must be tightened.
(a) Triple.
(b) Double.
(c) Ally.
(d) Shadow.

5. Nestor reports that as Carlos was running to the edge of the abyss, he grabbed onto Pablito's ______ which changed the luminosity of both.
(a) Arm.
(b) Shoulder.
(c) Leg.
(d) Middle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Don Juan stated that the ______ attention was only achieved after the objects of the tonal had been removed.

2. The nagual told La Gorda that women are easier to teach to be dispassionate. When one can let their _____ go from the world of images, the world collapses.

3. Carlos' vision of the gigantic _____ was considered to be of great importance because it is where all the sorcerers are supposed to meet some day.

4. Carlos asks La Gorda what shape his luminosity is and she replies that he is in the shape of a/an ______.

5. When La Gorda became sick and tired of being fat she stopped eating for _____ days which broke her food fixation.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't La Gorda help Pablito with his new position in which Don Juan has put him?

2. What does La Gorda feel has happened to the group since the Sorcerers left?

3. Why can't six of the apprentices shake off their human forms, according to the story?

4. What do the women need now that they have lost their old purpose, now that Carlos has decided to stay?

5. How does the Nagual of Carlos get out of his body when it does? How does the Nagual escape?

6. Why does Carlos miss the explanations of Don Juan, according to his own learning process?

7. What does Carlos know is the only deterrent to despair in one's life, according to the teachings he has learned?

8. What has happened since Carlos has brought out his double more than the twice Don Juan wanted him to?

9. What does dreaming do in relation to the layers of luminosity of the human body?

10. What happens when Pablito goes down to Veracruz after a fight with Lidia?

(see the answer keys)

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