The Second Ring of Power Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Second Ring of Power Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Soledad told Carlos that he was able to prevail over her despite all of the advice she received from Don Juan because of his _____ side.
(a) Dark.
(b) Powerful.
(c) Weak.
(d) Awesome.

2. When Lidia tells Carlos that all five of us are the same, she is referring to all of the following except ______.
(a) Carlos.
(b) Benigno.
(c) La Gorda.
(d) Soledad.

3. La Gorda tells Carlos that the purpose of the time in the canyon is to meet the _____ forces.
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Eight.

4. Carlos was Don Juan's second apprentice. Shortly after Carlos, came the apprentice _______ who was tortured by a chick following her around.
(a) La Gorda.
(b) Soledad.
(c) Josefina.
(d) Lidia.

5. The nagual uses _______ to cure or kill the laundry woman because he sees death approaching. This allows her to learn more than the other apprentices.
(a) Wind.
(b) Water.
(c) Earth.
(d) Fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Don Juan, _______ is not a good time for Carlos and thus the sisters were instructed to attack him then.

2. In order for Soledad to be complete she must get her missing piece back from ______, which will be difficult because he is a sorcerer.

3. Soledad attempts to ______ Carlos with her hair tie after she has pulled him down on top of her.

4. La Gorda tells Carlos that people are pieces of the _______ which is why people's energy appears as it does.

5. La Gorda was challenged one day by ______ and was forced into a hole for days until she could accept her fate.

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when a woman menstruates in order to increase their power in the world?

2. How does Carlos describe La Gorda when he first sees her in this story?

3. What is the tickle that Carlos feels a sign of, according to the lessons he has learned from Don Juan?

4. Carlos remembers a story about a friend who was dying in the hospital, but what did Don Juan say about how she could push her disease away?

5. Where do men and women store their memories, according to the observations of Carlos?

6. What does Lidia reveal about the power of La Gorda in relation to the Nagual?

7. What are the strict orders that La Gorda is under in relation to the location of the Sorcerers when she is helping Carlos?

8. What does Carlos search for outside, accusing Dona Soledad of tricks when he sees this creature in the area?

9. What is the problem with Carlos being 'empty' according to Dona Soledad in her lessons with him?

10. What does the scary man do with the wind in order to help La Gorda learn about her life?

(see the answer keys)

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