The Search Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Search Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Google call its paid search market?
(a) Google AdWords.
(b) Google Search Words.
(c) Google AdClick.
(d) Google Pay-Per-Search.

2. How does the media view Google in 2002?
(a) As a company that is growing too fast.
(b) As a deceitful company.
(c) As a failing company.
(d) As an honest company.

3. What three elements does Google now possess to control its own destiny and profit?
(a) Advertisers willing to pay high rates, a search engine, and the ability to generate its own traffic.
(b) Tracking technology to detect the preferences of Internet users, a search engine, and a commission for all sales generated from ads.
(c) A search engine, a paid search network, and the ability to generate its own traffic.
(d) A search engine, a database with the most websites, and the largest number of Internet users.

4. When is the first version of Google officially released?
(a) April 1997.
(b) March 1998.
(c) August 1996.
(d) February 1995.

5. Where is the location of the first main office for Google?
(a) Page's basement.
(b) Brin's dormitory room.
(c) Page and Brin's apartment.
(d) The Stanford University Library.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Page tries to sell Google to other Internet companies?

2. Which one of the following does not represent one of the pieces of information that the database should be analyzing to sell to clients?

3. What key factor do Page and Brin count on to make their search engine so effective?

4. What does Google add to the concept of parallel computing to make it even more beneficial?

5. Who becomes the first CEO of Google?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is PageRank and how does it work?

2. How do search engines determine the relevance of the websites they include in the search engine return pages?

3. Describe the basic process of how a search engine works.

4. What was the reasoning behind BackRub for Larry Page and Sergey Brin?

5. Describe the rise and fall of IdeaLab.

6. In Chapter 2, what is the general reason given that people use online search engines?

7. Describe what happens when Google tries traditional brand marketing in 1999 and what form of public relations Google replaces it with.

8. In Chapter 3, who does Battelle say mainly used the Internet in its earliest days and why?

9. How did Veronica differ from Archie as a search engine?

10. What is an example of a company or website that uses clickstream analysis? How does this company or website use it?

(see the answer keys)

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