The Search Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Search Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does "URL" stand for?
(a) Universal Remote Location.
(b) Universal Responder Link
(c) Universal Redirection Links.
(d) Universal Resource Locators.

2. What event is discussed in Chapter 1 as having indicated a change in American culture?
(a) The terrorist attacks of 2001.
(b) The creation of a super highway of information, called the Internet.
(c) The invention of the computer.
(d) The start of the new millennium in January 2000.

3. What is the precursor to Google called when Page and Brin create it at Stanford University?
(a) The Back and Forth Directory.
(b) PageBrin Search.
(c) BackRub.
(d) The Google Directory.

4. For what does Gross start charging advertisers?
(a) Ad space located at the top of the Web page.
(b) A guaranteed number of visitors to their website per day.
(c) Keywords.
(d) The number of Internet users who view their ads.

5. What is especially fascinating about the story of how Larry Page and Sergey Brin worked together to create Google?
(a) They were both best friends before they were business partners, which is why they were successful.
(b) They did not like each other at first, but both become business partners out of their common interest in building something useful.
(c) Most of their friends and associates did not believe in their idea and tried to discourage them from pursuing it, but they did not listen.
(d) Neither one of them had actually used a computer before they met and decided to create a search engine.

6. Why do advertisers like Gross' marketing system?
(a) They are receiving discounts on their advertising to endorse
(b) They are giving input to Gross on how to design it.
(c) They are wasting less money in advertising costs.
(d) They see an increased level of traffic to their websites.

7. What company eventually bought WebCrawler in 1995?
(a) Microsoft.
(b) Yahoo.
(c) AOL.
(d) Google.

8. What is the main idea behind the original concept of Google?
(a) To develop a search engine that can interpret the active search tendencies of its users.
(b) To locate websites that provide the most text per page.
(c) To eliminate any websites from the search results that do not include at least 50 percent of relevant information to the keywords.
(d) To rank websites by importance as they lead back to a single Web page.

9. What causes many advertisers to have a negative view of Google?
(a) Google begins implementing a limit on the number of ads it sells to each advertiser.
(b) Google's automated approach to advertising reduces the need for customer relations.
(c) Advertisers begins to lose money when they cannot understand Google's complex advertising system.
(d) Google refuses to do business with other Internet companies.

10. Google's search engine analyzes how many factors when determining the relevance of the user's keywords?
(a) More than 100 factors.
(b) Less than 50 factors.
(c) More than 200 factors.
(d) Between 50 and 100 factors.

11. With which well-known director does Gross create IdeaLab, a company where his ideas can be put into action?
(a) Ron Howard.
(b) George Lucas.
(c) Steven Spielberg.
(d) Oliver Stone.

12. How does the media view Google in 2002?
(a) As a deceitful company.
(b) As a failing company.
(c) As an honest company.
(d) As a company that is growing too fast.

13. In 1993, what university created Veronica, the second search engine?
(a) Yale University.
(b) The University of Oklahoma.
(c) Harvard University.
(d) The University of Nevada.

14. IdeaLab initially operates on what theory about developing new business ideas?
(a) Marketing business ideas exclusively online where startup costs are much lower than offline ones.
(b) Strategically placing new business ideas in films to test the reaction of crowds before investing in them.
(c) Assembling one team to start new businesses, and reducing the time and work involved with assembling separate teams for each idea.
(d) Producing products as they are sold to avoid large investments in each new business venture.

15. Why does Page need Brin to build Google?
(a) Brin worked for a company that designed websites.
(b) Page did not have a background in computers.
(c) The site was based on a graph that required Brin's mathematical skills to make a reality.
(d) Brin had the financial capability to provide the necessary funding for the project.

Short Answer Questions

1. What alternative search engine did Dr. Michael Mauldin create in 1994?

2. As of the first quarter of 2005, what does Google have 51 percent of?

3. Why did Eric Schmidt initially disagree with Battelle in the potential of search engines to be used in gathering information?

4. What Palo Alto street does Google relocate to after outgrowing its current location in 1999?

5. What is Battelle's central focus in Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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