The Search Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Search Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, Search Before Google.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From which fields of doctoral candidates does Battelle think will use the database as a research tool?
(a) English, journalism, mathematics, and history.
(b) Arts and science, psychology, and pathology.
(c) Cultural anthropology, psychology, history, and sociology.
(d) Mathematics, history, and archeology.

2. As Battelle points out, Internet use has grown to become more and more common, and most people are familiar with what online tool?
(a) An online payment system.
(b) A search box.
(c) Email.
(d) A website directory.

3. In what year did Alan Emtage create Archie, the first Internet search engine?
(a) 1991.
(b) 1988.
(c) 1990.
(d) 1985.

4. In his original vision for a Database of Intentions, what does Battelle see the database being built with?
(a) The most visited websites on the Internet.
(b) Names and addresses of Internet users.
(c) Popular search terms.
(d) A collection of stores that offered online services.

5. Why was the WebCrawler so unique?
(a) It allowed Internet users access to both search engines, Archie and Veronica.
(b) It transferred files directly to a specified computer.
(c) It was responsible for organizing all of the websites in the database.
(d) It could index the full text of Web documents instead of just titles.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year was the worldwide average at 550 million searches per day?

2. According to the 2004 research paper, how often do 85 percent of U.S. users perform Internet searches?

3. As of the first quarter of 2005, what does Google have 51 percent of?

4. In 1993, what university created Veronica, the second search engine?

5. Sixty-five percent of all Internet searches are estimated for what purpose?

(see the answer key)

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