The Seafarer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Seafarer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the sentence “And so he who has tasted life’s joy in towns, / suffered few sad journeys, scarcely believes, / proud and puffed up with wine, what I, weary, / have often had to endure in my seafaring” (ll. 27-30), which of the following does NOT describe the “he” upon whom the narrator remarks?
(a) Has tasted life's joy in towns.
(b) Weary.
(c) Proud and puffed up with wine.
(d) Suffered few sad journeys.

2. To what end does the narrator note he is driven (ll. 36-38)?
(a) That he might seek a new fruit stand.
(b) That he might seek his own homeland.
(c) That he might seek a foreign land.
(d) That he might seek a finer brand.

3. The narrator describes the screaming eagle as which of the following (ll. 24-25)?
(a) Sky-beautiful.
(b) Carrion-eating.
(c) Dewy-feathered.
(d) Family-like.

4. The narrator remarks that “Storms beat the stone cliffs where the tern answered them, / icy-feathered; often the eagle screamed, / dewy-feathered” (ll. 23-25). The passage offers an example of which of the following?
(a) Allegory.
(b) Aphorism.
(c) Anagram.
(d) Anaphora.

5. Of which of the following is narrator deprived when he “wretched with care, dwelt all winter / on the ice-cold sea in the paths of exile" (ll. 13-16)?
(a) Deer hunting.
(b) Dear kissing.
(c) Dear kinsmen.
(d) Dead kinsmen.

Short Answer Questions

1. In line 17, “hung with icicles of frost while hail flew in showers,” how many relatively stressed / emphasized syllables are present?

2. By which of the following were the narrator's "feet, bound by frost” (ll. 9-10)?

3. The narrator remarks that “Storms beat the stone cliffs where the tern answered them, / icy-feathered” (ll. 23-24). The passage offers an example of which of the following?

4. The narrator remarks that “no sheltering family / could bring consolation to” which of the following (ll. 25-26)?

5. The narrator describes the "salt streams" as which of the following (l. 35)?

Short Essay Questions

1. Consider the kenning for hail, “coldest of grains” (l. 33). How does the kenning construct meaning?

2. The narrator comments that “they compel me now, / my heart-thoughts, to try for myself / the high seas, the tossing salt streams; / my heart’s desire urges my spirit / time and again to travel, so that I might seek / far from here a foreign land” (ll. 33-38). What rhetorical appeal/s does the narrator make in the comment?

3. The poem opens with the narrator saying “I sing a true song of myself, / tell of my journeys” (ll. 1-2). What rhetorical appeal/s does the narrator make in doing so?

4. The narrator remarks that “no sheltering family / could bring consolation to my desolate soul” (ll. 25-26). What rhetorical appeal/s does the narrator make in doing so?

5. The narrator remarks that "That man does not know, / he whose lot is fairest on land, / how I, wretched with care, dwelt all winter / on the ice-cold sea in the paths of exile, / deprived of dear kinsmen, / hung with icicles of frost while hail flew in showers" (ll. 12-17). What rhetorical appeal/s does the narrator make in doing so?

6. The narrator states that “The night-shadow darkened; snow came from the north, / frost bound the ground, hail fell on earth, / coldest of grains” (ll. 31-33). What rhetorical appeal/s does the narrator make in the statement?

7. The narrator remarks that “he who has tasted life’s joy in towns, / suffered few sad journeys, scarcely believes, / proud and puffed up with wine, what I, weary, / have often had to endure in my suffering” (ll. 27-30). What rhetorical appeal/s does the narrator make in doing so?

8. What tone is set by the first 26 lines of the poem? How do they do so?

9. The opening passages of the poem has the narrator state that “in days of toil / I’ve often suffered troubled times, / hard heartache” (ll. 2-4). What rhetorical appeal/s does the narrator make in doing so?

10. The narrator comments that “they compel me now, / my heart-thoughts, to try for myself / the high seas, the tossing salt streams; / my heart’s desire urges my spirit / time and again to travel, so that I might seek / far from here a foreign land” (ll. 33-38). What tone is conveyed in the passage?

(see the answer keys)

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