The Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the narrator say he feels about being photographed?
(a) It makes him nervous.
(b) He looks forward to it.
(c) He hates it.
(d) It makes him feel peaceful.

2. What does the narrator say Anna called her hospital photographs?
(a) An indictment.
(b) A truth.
(c) A report.
(d) A portrait.

3. How does the narrator say he and his mother learned of his father's death?
(a) A phone call from the doctor.
(b) A neighbor.
(c) A newspaper article.
(d) A note from a woman.

4. Where does the narrator end up sleeping the night the Colonel's family doesn't visit him?
(a) In the Colonel's bedroom.
(b) On the beach.
(c) In the kitchen.
(d) At his old house.

5. In "Section 2: Part 6", what does Miss Vavasour confess to the narrator?
(a) She is moving to Texas.
(b) She has been sick for years.
(c) She was attracted to Mrs. Grace.
(d) She was attracted to him.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Section 2: Part 6", why does the narrator feel like Anna isn't haunting him?

2. What does Miss Vavasour tell the narrator about his bed in "Section 2: Part 2"?

3. What does the narrator feel is ironic about his desire to protect Chloe?

4. What does the narrator say he believes in instead of an afterlife?

5. Why does the narrator say he was so upset to discover the broken bird's eggs as a child?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the narrator say Chloe reminds him of in the world to this day?

2. How does the narrator describe the storm in "Section 2: Part 3"?

3. What do Bun and Miss Vavasour argue about in "Section 2: Part 4"?

4. How does the narrator describe moving into The Cedars?

5. What happens the night the Colonel's family doesn't visit like they said they would?

6. What does the narrator believe about life after death?

7. What is the Colonel's daily life like?

8. How does the narrator describe his love for Chloe in "Section 2: Part 2"?

9. What does the narrator remember about Anna's death in "Section 2: Part 5"?

10. In "Section 2: Part 3", what does the narrator say about his life after his father left?

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