The Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Overall, how does the narrator describe his feelings for Avril?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Pleasant.
(c) Angry.
(d) Interested.

2. In "Section 1: Part 2", how does the narrator describe Miss Vavasour?
(a) Like a tulip.
(b) Like a robin.
(c) Like a fence.
(d) Like a snake.

3. In "Section 1: Part 4", what does the narrator say his mother did when she once heard him crying?
(a) Hugged him.
(b) Helped him talk about it.
(c) Gave him advice.
(d) Left him alone.

4. What does the narrator say at the end of "Section 1: Part 6"?
(a) That he has always been there.
(b) That he is almost there.
(c) That he will never go there.
(d) That there isn't real.

5. When does the narrator say he decided to move to The Cedars?
(a) When Claire convinced him to.
(b) After reading about it in the paper.
(c) After visiting it when Anna died.
(d) A month before Anna's death.

6. When the narrator first meets Chloe, what is his impression of her mother?
(a) He adores her.
(b) He thinks she is complicated.
(c) He dislikes her.
(d) He thinks she is nice.

7. What does the narrator say Anna feared about being bald?
(a) People knowing she was sick.
(b) Having to wear hats.
(c) Losing her hair.
(d) Looking like her father.

8. In "Section 1: Part 1", what does the narrator say that Anna said when he made her tea?
(a) She asked to be alone.
(b) She thanked him.
(c) She wanted her tea cold.
(d) She asked for Brandy.

9. How does the narrator describe Mrs. Grace after the picnic?
(a) God-like.
(b) Dangerous.
(c) Drunk.
(d) Human.

10. What does the narrator say he likened Mrs. Grace's body to as a teenager?
(a) A movie star.
(b) A flower.
(c) A Greek goddess.
(d) A fountain.

11. Why does the narrator say he thought about the Grace family as a child?
(a) To make up stories.
(b) To help him fall asleep.
(c) To try to become part of their family.
(d) To escape.

12. What was the daughter doing the first time the narrator saw her at the Grace house?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Reading.
(c) Cleaning.
(d) Playing.

13. In "Section 1: Part 4", what animal does the narrator compare Myles to?
(a) A butterfly.
(b) A kitten.
(c) A puppy.
(d) A lion cub.

14. In "Section 1: Part 6", what does the narrator say he is trapped in?
(a) A bowl.
(b) A book.
(c) An ocean.
(d) A box.

15. In "Section 1: Part 1", what does the narrator overhear Anna say after he has a drink?
(a) What now?
(b) Are you there?
(c) Who cares?
(d) So what?

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say made him cry over Mrs. Grace as a teenager?

2. What does the narrator do with the rock in "Section 1: Part 6"?

3. How does the narrator describe Mr. Grace the first time he sees him?

4. What do stocking feet remind the narrator of?

5. In "Section 1: Part 1", how does the narrator name the members of the Grace family?

(see the answer keys)

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