The Sea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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The Sea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2: Part 4 (pp. 148-163).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Section 1: Part 5", what does the narrator say he lacked in the early days of Anna's illness?
(a) Faith.
(b) Hope.
(c) Money.
(d) Energy.

2. What does the narrator say made him cry over Mrs. Grace as a teenager?
(a) His mother telling him to leave her alone.
(b) Her moving to the city.
(c) Not being able to know her better.
(d) Her sending him away.

3. What does the narrator say Anna told Claire about her illness?
(a) She asked her to get tested herself.
(b) She asked for help with her medications.
(c) She wouldn't say she was dying.
(d) She wanted Claire to pray with her.

4. What does the narrator say Mrs. Grace would say if she knew about him and Chloe kissing as teenagers?
(a) She would yell at her.
(b) She would yell at him.
(c) She would congratulate them.
(d) She wouldn't care.

5. What does the narrator say Anna feared about being bald?
(a) Looking like her father.
(b) People knowing she was sick.
(c) Losing her hair.
(d) Having to wear hats.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Section 2: Part 1", what does the narrator say he used to do while swimming in the sea?

2. How old does the narrator say he is when he first meets Chloe?

3. When does the narrator say his father left his family?

4. What does the narrator see in the water at the end of "Section 1: Part 6"?

5. In "Section 2: Part 1", what does the narrator say he decided to do immediately after Anna's death?

(see the answer key)

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