The Sea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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The Sea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2: Part 2 (pp. 109-136).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Section 2: Part 1", what bothers the narrator about his memory of Chloe?
(a) He can't remember her in detail.
(b) He can only remember the bad parts.
(c) He can't ignore her memory.
(d) He feels like she is still with him.

2. How does the narrator describe the early self-portraits of Van Gogh?
(a) Complex.
(b) Juvenile.
(c) Angry.
(d) Talented.

3. What does the narrator assume Roget used to do to patients?
(a) Use laughing gas.
(b) Take their medicine.
(c) Lie to them.
(d) Study them.

4. Where is the stone located, in "Section 1: Part 6", that the narrator is transported to?
(a) A beach.
(b) A rocky shore.
(c) A river bank.
(d) A cliff.

5. What is Myles' physical ailment?
(a) He has a limp.
(b) He is blind.
(c) He has polio.
(d) He is mute.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator say he feels about being photographed?

2. Why does the narrator say he would joke with his wife about people thinking she was pregnant?

3. Why does the narrator say he was so upset to discover the broken bird's eggs as a child?

4. What does the narrator say Anna told Claire about her illness?

5. When the narrator receives a letter from Claire in "Section 1: Part 3", what does he decide to do?

(see the answer key)

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