The Sea of Monsters Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sea of Monsters Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Tyson and Percy summon to help them after the ship sinks in Chapter 16?
(a) Rainbow.
(b) Hylla.
(c) Kronos.
(d) Oreius.

2. To whom does Percy say the Golden Fleece belongs in Chapter 16?
(a) Dionysus and Tantalus.
(b) Zeus and the major gods of Olympus.
(c) Hermes.
(d) The children of the gods.

3. Whose music does Chiron say his brethren do not appreciate in Chapter 18?
(a) Jim Morrison's.
(b) Dean Martin's.
(c) Prince's.
(d) Michael Jackson's.

4. What is Grover wearing in the dream that visits Percy in Chapter 11?
(a) A wedding gown.
(b) A chicken costume.
(c) A pair of jogging shorts.
(d) A tuxedo.

5. For how long have Percy and his friends been away from camp once they reach shore in Chapter 17?
(a) Six days.
(b) Two days.
(c) Five days.
(d) Ten days.

6. When Percy and Annabeth first see Clarisse on the Cyclops's island, she is tied up and hanging over what?
(a) A pit of lava.
(b) A pot of water.
(c) A pit of black oil.
(d) A large frying pan.

7. How much money is discovered in the ziplock bag by Percy and his friends in Chapter 17?
(a) At least $300.
(b) Just under $200.
(c) At least $400.
(d) At least $600.

8. What does the beverage taste like that Percy is given on the island in Chapter 12?
(a) A chocolate milkshake.
(b) A Dr. Pepper.
(c) A strawberry milkshake.
(d) A root beer.

9. Who reveals Grover's true identity to the Cyclops in Chapter 14?
(a) Annabeth.
(b) Clarisse.
(c) Tyson.
(d) Percy.

10. What does the Cyclops declare will be served at his wedding in Chapter 14?
(a) Hippocampi tenders with ranch.
(b) Grilled satyr with mango chutney.
(c) Minotaur stew with drippings.
(d) Grilled children with honey bbq sauce.

11. What is printed on the T-shirts that some of the centaurs wear in Chapter 18?
(a) Water Ponies.
(b) Sea Ponies.
(c) Party Ponies.
(d) Pretty Ponies.

12. Hermes tells Percy that the hardest part of being a god is that you must often act how, in Chapter 19?
(a) Omnisciently.
(b) Indirectly.
(c) Wickedly.
(d) Naturally.

13. What does Beckendorf toss into Percy's chariot in the race in Chapter 19?
(a) Apollo dust.
(b) Greek fire.
(c) Poseidon water.
(d) Zeus blood.

14. What color light emanates from Luke's magical sword?
(a) Blue and silver.
(b) Gray and gold.
(c) White and green.
(d) Green and silver.

15. What does Tyson do to repair the ship in Chapter 11?
(a) He reconstructs the engine.
(b) He repairs the brakes.
(c) He patches the leak.
(d) He fixes the pistons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the headmaster of Meriwether Prep?

2. What has Annabeth salvaged for her and Percy to drink on the raft in Chapter 12?

3. What color does Percy describe Chiron's eyes as being in Chapter 18?

4. Why do the Confederate soldiers approve of Annabeth?

5. Where is the Golden Fleece said to be hanging on the island in Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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