The Screwtape Letters Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screwtape Letters Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Screwtape suggest is the benefit of theories about the historical Jesus?

2. What has Screwtape learned in corresponding with Slumtrimpet, the girlfriend's fiend?

3. What is the goal of marrying off a patient to an unsuitable partner?

4. How does Lewis summarize the cosmic battle?

5. What is one of Screwtape's favorite tricks concerning Christianity?

Short Essay Questions

1. What consistent Lewis theme about devil work is woven into Screwtape's specifics about women and love and sex and marriage?

2. How does Screwtape explain that living long and dying old is better for the devils than for a person to die young?

3. What is Lewis' concluding characterization of the modern age?

4. Letter 22 is loaded with humor demonstrating Lewis' narrative creativity. What are some examples of this humor?

5. What does Screwtape outline as the strategy for instilling spiritual pride in a human?

6. Lewis says mental escape hatches undermine people in every endeavor that requires courage and perseverance. What does he mean by this and how do mental escape hatches work?

7. Screwtape chastises Wormwood that he is failing because the man is praying to God. How does Screwtape recommend Wormwood handle this if the man is going to continue to pray?

8. Lewis explains that in the end either God or Satan will claim a person's time, actions and ultimately the soul? How does each claim ownership in this eternal struggle between God and Satan?

9. Rather than "falling" into anything, what does Lewis see as sensible marriage without influence from Hell and devils?

10. What does Lewis describe as the key to success in both the physical and the spiritual sense?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Lewis asserts that "falling in love" is used to justify irresponsible behavior and sexual misconduct. It is a poor reason for an inappropriate marriage. Explain the time frame and details of his contention that successful marriage is built upon virtues.

Essay Topic 2

Circumstances do not matter but rather how a person deals with them is most important, according to Lewis. Modern news coverage and legal trials often delve intimately in to a person's past as explanation for current actions. Agree or refute Lewis's view point by elaborating upon whether such explanations are relevant and, secondly, address whether an explanation can be used for as disguised as justification.

Essay Topic 3

Lewis contends the human mind can be shifted to focus thinking on an abstract level as a means to avoid having to deal with the reality right in front of a person. Expand on the question whether this reality to abstraction is a permanent feature of American society as it relates to political campaigns.

(see the answer keys)

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