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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the mindset that discourages belief that fiends exist?
2. Why does Screwtape advise it is good the new Christian is still going to church?
3. Why is subtly by degrees Screwtape's preferred method of temptation?
4. What does it indicate when a person is continually church shopping?
5. What should Wormwood do if the patient begins to think fiends exist?
Short Essay Questions
1. Lewis elaborates on the traditional version of gluttony as over-consumption of food or drink. What does he describe as the modern forms of gluttony and its effects?
2. Why does Screwtape caution Wormwood that innocent laughter of joy and fun is not good for the devils?
3. Screwtape tells Wormwood the English people are hateful in the abstract but kindly in the concrete. How does he suggest Wormwood use this information regarding the patient?
4. How does Screwtape recommend that Wormwood prevent humans from using their reasoning?
5. Screwtape tells Wormwood major serious sin is useful but dangerous because it could lead the man back to God. What does he describe as preferable and much less likely to lead to God?
6. How does Screwtape tell Wormwood to use imaginings now that war is upon the patient?
7. Although Lewis talks about food and drink, what is the eternal truth contained in the message?
8. Lewis contends ideas can be corrupted by corrupting the language associated with ideas. For example, what does Screwtape brag about corruption of the word "Puritanism"?
9. Why does Screwtape so heartily approve of the man's new friends that are bright, funny, skeptical, wealthy, and worldly?
10. Why does Screwtape tell Wormwood it is good for the patient to pray for his mother's soul?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Lewis contends democracy stifles excellence and encourages sameness and conformity. Discuss the premise that democracy should guarantee equality of opportunity, but it has been distorted to the point where democracy guarantees equality in general. Examples could include activities where every participant gets a trophy, everybody's opinion is valuable, everybody gets equal playing or participating time, etc.
Essay Topic 2
Lewis asserts that "falling in love" is used to justify irresponsible behavior and sexual misconduct. It is a poor reason for an inappropriate marriage. Explain the time frame and details of his contention that successful marriage is built upon virtues.
Essay Topic 3
Lewis relates that scholarly analysis tends to categorize and put into context to the point where the truth and value of a work is diminished or lost. Explore this idea in terms of modern thinking where context and category have gained importance, while content is not appreciated for itself until it "fits" somewhere. Is this modern thinking actually an outcome of marketing and sales, such as in the music business?
This section contains 989 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |