The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is an excellent way to insulate the heart from the Enemy?
(a) Raunchy jokes about sexual excess.
(b) Jokes about the Enemy and his servants.
(c) Find fault with all types of humor.
(d) Flippantly pass off everything as subject matter for jest.

2. How does Lewis suggest the modern person avoid gluttony?
(a) Take what is offered with humility and gratitude.
(b) Satisfy the appetites before joining others.
(c) Diet constantly, consume very little.
(d) Satisfy the appetites after departing from others.

3. What are the best sort of jokes?
(a) Jokes that excuse acts of cruelty or cowardice.
(b) Jokes about science.
(c) Jokes about churchgoers.
(d) Jokes about sex.

4. What does Screwtape say is the root of the sin of gluttony?
(a) Impatience.
(b) Ideas of superiority.
(c) Selfishness and lack of consideration.
(d) Desire to offend.

5. When is the fiend's mission in the greatest danger?
(a) When the patient exercises free will.
(b) When the patient accepts that the Enemy exists.
(c) When the patient chooses the spiritual instead of science.
(d) When the patient exercises free will and chooses loyalty to the Enemy.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does humor least serve the fiend's mission?

2. Where do the fiends receive training?

3. What are heavenly pleasures that reflect love of friends and family for one another?

4. What is the law of Undulation?

5. Why does Screwtape favor prayer for the soul?

Short Essay Questions

1. Screwtape instructs that not all humor is useful to a devil, but certain types are especially useful. What are the types of humor useful to a devil?

2. Wormwood sees a dry spell in the patient's faith as a totally positive development. Why does Screwtape see this as a shortcoming of Wormwood's training and not necessarily a positive?

3. Relating to religious bodies, what does Screwtape say has proven very useful for producing malice over the centuries?

4. Screwtape reminds Wormwood it is always important to focus on a person's feelings. Why are feelings seen to be advantageous to devil work?

5. What does Screwtape explain is the advantage to having a person always thinking about the future?

6. Why does Screwtape tell Wormwood it is good for the patient to pray for his mother's soul?

7. Why does Screwtape think it is not favorable when a person does not care what others think?

8. The High Command has decided it is better that devils not reveal themselves. How does Screwtape explain the positive impact of that decision?

9. How does Screwtape suggest the use of pleasure, which clearly is from and belongs to God?

10. How does Screwtape explain that false humility can be useful to a devil, but true humility can be dangerous?

(see the answer keys)

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