The Screwtape Letters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screwtape Letters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Screwtape recommend to undermine human courage?
(a) Provide thoughts of a tranquil future if current crisis is avoided.
(b) Provide graphic illusions of violence and death.
(c) Provoke the thinking there is also something more than courage to fall back on.
(d) Befuddle the thinking with imaginings of super-hero action.

2. What is the Judaeo-Christian principle that Lewis reinforces?
(a) Marrying the wrong woman for the wrong reasons can still lead to happiness.
(b) Sexual intercourse and sexual perversions are not major issues.
(c) "One flesh" is a discussion topic, not a real teaching.
(d) Marriage and sexual intercourse are irrevocable acts, not to be entered into lightly at all.

3. What does Lewis remind is a reliable road to Hell?
(a) Dramatic sins followed by early death.
(b) The lack of response to prayers to God.
(c) The lack of prayer.
(d) The long, slow, slippery slope.

4. What sort of Christian does Screwtape prefer?
(a) Uncommitted Christians.
(b) Christians befuddled by Christianity.
(c) Mere Christians.
(d) Christians interested in Christianity and something else.

5. What does Screwtape offer Wormwood as proof that God is vulgar?
(a) He has filled the world with pleasure.
(b) He makes promises to humans about eternity.
(c) He killed Himself on a cross.
(d) He created sex for humans.

6. How does Screwtape instruct Wormwood to use the horrors of war?
(a) Use the horror that happens to create hateful thoughts of more horror.
(b) Use the scenes of horror to provke anger toward God.
(c) Use the scenes of horror to induce cowardice.
(d) Let humans think that only horror is real, goodness and beauty are not equally real.

7. Why does Screwtape think it is best not to have a person die young?
(a) Life short in years gives the devil less to work with.
(b) Disappointments in life and fatigue of fighting the same temptations best prepare a person for Hell.
(c) Young souls in Hell are not very interesting.
(d) Life short in years precludes using the devil's best tactics.

8. What is the point Lewis is making with the quotation "Experience is the mother of illusion"?
(a) There is no truth because everything is an illusion.
(b) God allows humans to experience emotion.
(c) Relying on personal experience can bind a person to their mistakes.
(d) God's purpose of human free will is to create illusion.

9. What does Screwtape say about cowardice?
(a) Most humans do not recognize what is true cowardice.
(b) Humans always try to label true cowardice as something else.
(c) Every human feels genuine shame about cowardice.
(d) Cowardice is a natural human trait instilled at birth.

10. What does Lewis advise is the outcome of lack of commitment to important matters?
(a) A life of befuddled underachievement.
(b) Strong possibility of failure.
(c) A life lived mostly free of stress.
(d) Strong possibility of worldly success.

11. What is one of Screwtape's favorite tricks concerning Christianity?
(a) Make Christianity a means to an end, thereby creating unattainable mental notions.
(b) Propose Christianity exists only to comfort the weak.
(c) Suggest Christianity is learned in childhood and is a childish idea.
(d) Suggest Christianity is a mind-numbing drug.

12. What does Screwtape say the Enemy claims is unselfishness?
(a) Chastity.
(b) Marital fidelity.
(c) Justice.
(d) Charity.

13. According to Screwtape, a person can rightfully claim ownership to __________.
(a) The body.
(b) The time in service to God.
(c) The soul.
(d) Nothing.

14. What is upsetting to Screwtape about the sudden demise?
(a) The patient had too much time for preparation.
(b) Wormwood was inattentive and all was lost.
(c) Wormwood failed to ask Screwtape's help at the end.
(d) The patient "got through" without slow suffering plus he immediately recognized the workings of Wormwood.

15. What does Screwtape suggest is the benefit of theories about the historical Jesus?
(a) Moves the focus from the spiritual on to the political.
(b) Theories portray Jesus as very ordinary, therefore not from God.
(c) Since little is known, the more theories the better.
(d) So much speculation can be twisted from every theory.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Screwtape advise is the best means to get a person to act cowardly?

2. Why is sexual perversion a useful tool for the fiend?

3. What does Screwtape tell Wormwood is great fodder for quarrels?

4. In Lewis's viewpoint, true love in marriage depends heavily upon what?

5. What does Screwtape say is the Enemy's standard about sexual matters?

(see the answer keys)

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