The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Screwtape says the best fiend work is done this way.
(a) Reviewing his fantasies while the patient rests.
(b) Encouraging the patient to hold God accountable.
(c) Planting suggestive thoughts during a patient's idle moments.
(d) Keeping things out of the mind rather than planting things within it.

2. The Enemy consistently helps the patient in which of these situations?
(a) Grief and sadness.
(b) Present and actual suffering.
(c) Calm for imagined fears and hypotheticals.
(d) Imagined daily slights and insults.

3. Why is false humility good for the fiend's cause?
(a) False humility leads to sinfulness.
(b) False humility feeds the emotions.
(c) False humility is an insult to the Enemy.
(d) False humility is preoccupation with self.

4. Why are sincere likings tools of the Enemy? . •
(a) Sincere likings seldom change over time.
(b) Sincere likings bond the person to the Enemy.
(c) Sincere likings nourish the soul.
(d) Sincere likings make the person true to himself or herself.

5. What does a new Christian think about going to church with commonplace neighbors?
(a) Gains much favor with God.
(b) Shows humility and condescension.
(c) The best means to know God's will.
(d) Necessary but unpleasant.

6. What does Screwtape see as one advantage of church?
(a) Church is inconvenient.
(b) Church can be made rife with factionalism.
(c) Church can become a mindless habit.
(d) Church can become routine and boring.

7. Why does Screwtape want people totally obsessed with the future?
(a) Manipulates future outcomes.
(b) Provides the best conditions for future sinfulness.
(c) Creates unhappiness and dissatisfaction in the here and now.
(d) Proves the future does not really exist.

8. What is the goal of true humility?
(a) To guarantee salvation of the soul.
(b) To turn the person's attention to all sinfulness.
(c) To guarantee God is pleased.
(d) To turn the person's attention to God and others.

9. What is an excellent way to insulate the heart from the Enemy?
(a) Jokes about the Enemy and his servants.
(b) Raunchy jokes about sexual excess.
(c) Find fault with all types of humor.
(d) Flippantly pass off everything as subject matter for jest.

10. Why is subtly by degrees Screwtape's preferred method of temptation?
(a) The worldly recognize strong fiend tactics.
(b) The Enemy has no counter measure to subtly.
(c) Subtly disguises the work of the fiend.
(d) The world will creep into a person unnoticed.

11. What are heavenly pleasures that reflect love of friends and family for one another?
(a) Food and drink.
(b) Joy and fun.
(c) Travels together on vacations.
(d) Attendance at church together.

12. According to Lewis, when should a person be uncritical of other Christians' practices?
(a) When the practices involve the Enemy.
(b) When the practices do not involve actual sin.
(c) When the practices are similar to the church a person attends.
(d) When the practices are time consuming and demanding.

13. What does Screwtape believe to be an elementary fact?
(a) Humans always at some point distrust the Enemy.
(b) Humans can be easily misled.
(c) Humans are incapable of setting and keeping goals.
(d) Humans tend to become whatever they pretend to be.

14. What makes the fiend's job easier?
(a) When a person resents what has already happened, not what to do presently.
(b) When a person is concerned with what to do, not what to think.
(c) When a person is concerned with what might happen, not with what to do.
(d) When a person is concerned with what to do, regardless of what happens.

15. Screwtape describes this as one of a fiend's best weapons.
(a) Fear.
(b) Contented worldliness.
(c) Materialism.
(d) Envy and jealousy

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the mindset that discourages belief that fiends exist?

2. What is a reliable tactic to use on a new Christian?

3. How does Lewis suggest the modern person avoid gluttony?

4. What is the wine of fiends to be sipped eternally?

5. What is the name that issues policy for fiends?

(see the answer keys)

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