The Screaming Staircase Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screaming Staircase Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV: The Hall Chapter 21 - 24.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 6, what is the reason Lucy Carlyle gives for not having brought any doughnuts?
(a) She forgot to buy them.
(b) George told her about the daily deliveries.
(c) She doesn't like doughnuts.
(d) The previous candidate took them all.

2. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 15, why does Lucy feel threatened by the murderer, Blake?
(a) She is concerned about his potential retaliation after being exposed in the article.
(b) She is haunted by his strange eyes during their encounter.
(c) She feels a psychic connection with him that makes her fearful.
(d) She believes he sees her through the glass and recognizes her from the article.

3. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 13, what does Lockwood refuse to accept from the Rotwell's stand?
(a) Roasting chestnuts.
(b) Sprigs of lavender.
(c) Sweets.
(d) Salt bombs.

4. In Part IV: The Hall, Chapter 24, how does Lucy feel towards Fairfax?
(a) Pity and sympathy.
(b) Indifference and apathy.
(c) Curiosity and interest.
(d) Scared and repulsed.

5. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 6, how does George behave during Lucy Carlyle's examination of the objects?
(a) He interrupts with questions.
(b) He reads a comic book.
(c) He helps Lucy with her analysis.
(d) He pays close attention.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 16, why does Lucy want to keep the necklace close at hand?

2. In Part IV: The Hall, Chapter 24, how does George describe Fairfax's armor?

3. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 7, how does Lockwood describe George's room?

4. In Part IV: The Hall, Chapter 23, what does Lockwood realize about John William Fairfax?

5. In Part IV: The Hall, Chapter 22, what does Lockwood distribute to the group before they continue their journey?

(see the answer key)

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