The Scorch Trials Test | Final Test - Medium

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scorch Trials Test | Final Test - Medium

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About how many girls accompany Teresa when she confronts Thomas and the Gladers in Chapter 44?
(a) 30.
(b) 10.
(c) 20.
(d) 5.

2. How does Thomas kill the Crank in Chapter 34?
(a) He strangles it.
(b) He beheads it.
(c) He stabs it.
(d) He shoves it down a stairwell.

3. How old is Thomas in his dream in the beginning of Chapter 47?
(a) 15.
(b) 12.
(c) 18.
(d) 9.

4. About how old is Thomas in his dream in Chapter 35?
(a) 8.
(b) 14.
(c) 16.
(d) 6.

5. What is the last thing Thomas says in the dream before exiting in Chapter 53?
(a) "I love you."
(b) "Good luck."
(c) "See ya tomorrow."
(d) "Don't forget me."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the first of the Gladers that Thomas talks to when he awakens in Chapter 25?

2. What is the disease called that the Cranks have in The Scorch Trials?

3. What is the name that Brenda calls the system of underground tunnels in Chapter 30?

4. What theme from the novel consumes Thomas as he passes out in Chapter 52?

5. With whom did Thomas first run through the Maze?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Thomas relate to the members of Group B in Chapter 48? What decision is made regarding Thomas?

2. What does Jorge announce to the Cranks when he and Thomas return from their talk in Chapter 29?

3. What does Brenda make Thomas promise to her in Chapter 30? How does Brenda behave in this chapter?

4. How old is Thomas in his dream in Chapter 35? What does he dream about?

5. What demands does Teresa make when she appears in Chapter 44? Are her demands met?

6. How does Thomas go about fighting off his opponents in Chapter 51?

7. What information does Harriet relate to Thomas regarding her group in Chapter 49?

8. How does Breanda explain the signs with Thomas's name on them in Chapter 36?

9. How does Teresa explain her actions in Chapter 55?

10. How has Thomas been affected by Teresa's actions in Chapter 56?

(see the answer keys)

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