The Schwa Was Here Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Schwa Was Here Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who in the novel is mentally handicapped due to brain trauma?
(a) Old Man Crawley.
(b) The Schwa's Mother.
(c) The Schwa's father.
(d) Howie.

2. Who is a confident and successful straight A student who seems to do well at everything he tries in the novel?
(a) Frankie.
(b) The Schwa.
(c) Ira.
(d) Antsy.

3. Where is the Schwa hiding when Old Man Crawley discovers him and Antsy in his home?
(a) Behind a curtain.
(b) In the bathroom.
(c) Under a desk.
(d) In the garage.

4. What refers to an area to the side and slightly behind a driver's field of vision that is not reflected in the vehicle's rear view mirror?
(a) Triangle of death.
(b) Danger quadrant.
(c) Suspicion area.
(d) Blind spot.

5. Whose heritage does Old Man Crawley insult, saying his 'breeding' is bad?
(a) The Schwa's.
(b) Antsy's.
(c) Christian's.
(d) Howie's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what heritage is Antsy's family?

2. Who films the throwing of the dummy off the bridge with his video camera?

3. Who among Antsy's friends is a literal-minded boy who lacks common sense, yet seems to store a lot of facts in his head?

4. Who is very unfriendly to the Schwa in his first appearance and tells his friends that the Schwa is almost invisible and that people forget about him?

5. What do Antsy and his friends get the Schwa to do in the boys' bathroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the introduction between Lexie and the Schwa like in Chapter 8?

2. What do Antsy and his friends decide to test in an experiment?

3. What takes place as the Schwa begins to act out his dare in Chapter 5?

4. What causes Antsy to leave with the Schwa in Chapter 7?

5. What leads up to the Schwa's outburst in Chapter 7?

6. What prized collection does the Schwa show Antsy?

7. In what ways does Antsy's actions show that he is beginning to grow up in Chapter 7?

8. What does Antsy find at the Schwa's home when he goes to dinner with him in Chapter 6?

9. How is the concept of "trauma therapy" introduced?

10. What metaphor does Antsy recognize about his life after his parents' dispute in Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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