The Schoolmistress Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 58 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Schoolmistress Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 58 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Semyon say to the man who begins swearing at the tavern?
(a) He swears back.
(b) He tells him to leave.
(c) He tells him to stop drinking.
(d) He reminds him there is a lady in the tavern.

2. The story describe Marya's life as aging her, "making her ugly, angular, and awkward, as though she were made of" (8) what?
(a) Rubber.
(b) Copper.
(c) Wood.
(d) Lead.

3. Why do people like Marya have little time to think of their work?
(a) They have too many papers to grade.
(b) They are too busy dealing with parents.
(c) They are too busy thinking of how they are going to pay for necessities or deal with illness.
(d) They have too many unnecessary meetings.

4. Why is it hard for the cart to get down the road around the time they meet Hanov?
(a) There is so much water.
(b) The roads are icy.
(c) It has begun to snow.
(d) The road is full of holes.

5. What are some things Marya thinks about after daydreaming about being Hanov's wife?
(a) Exams and her pupils.
(b) Bringing cookies to the watchmen.
(c) Baking cake.
(d) Curling up with a good book by the fire.

6. What does Marya often return home from school with after a long day?
(a) Headache and heartburn.
(b) Piles of papers to grade.
(c) Nausea.
(d) Ear ache.

7. What are the wagons outside the tavern where Semyon stops filled with?
(a) Flour.
(b) Sulphuric acid.
(c) Ale.
(d) Sugar.

8. In what town does Semyon stop at a tavern with Marya?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Petersburg.
(c) Vyazovye.
(d) Nishneye Gorodisthce.

9. What does Hanov say when Semyon tells him he does not need to ride around in inclement weather?
(a) It is good exercise for the horse.
(b) He has to get his sick aunt.
(c) He gets bored at home.
(d) He did not know the roads would be so bad.

10. Whose job is it to light the stove on cold days at Marya's school?
(a) Marya.
(b) The schoolboys.
(c) The principal.
(d) The watchman.

11. What does the tavern Semyon and Marya stop at smell like?
(a) Sulphur and wine.
(b) Vodka, tobacco, and sheepskins.
(c) Ale and sweat.
(d) Fish and tobacco.

12. Despite being young and handsome, Hanov is described as showing signs of what?
(a) Alzheimers.
(b) Decay.
(c) Osteoporosis.
(d) Poor vision.

13. What does Marya think it would be terrible for her to do?
(a) Fall in love.
(b) Quit her job.
(c) Losing her home.
(d) Visit her parents.

14. Marya would stand the entire duration of class if who was present?
(a) The schoolboys parents.
(b) The Zemstvo.
(c) The principal.
(d) The inspector.

15. What did Ivan Ionvo do on his road so that nobody could pass?
(a) He had a group a guard dogs along the road.
(b) He had a gate built.
(c) He dug a ditch around it.
(d) He had to guards there.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Marya collect money from her students to pay for?

2. What does Marya smell on Hanov as he nears the cart?

3. Why did Marya become a school mistress?

4. What does Marya long to think of "which would never be" (8)?

5. What is one obstacle Semyon encounters along the road home?

(see the answer keys)

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