The Scarlet Pimpernel Test | Final Test - Hard

Baroness Emma Orczy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scarlet Pimpernel Test | Final Test - Hard

Baroness Emma Orczy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Marguerite stay hidden in the Calais in?

2. How does Marguerite feel when she sees the room that is always locked standing open?

3. How does Marguerite describe her surroundings in the Chat Gris?

4. Who does Margeurite talk to in the boudoir the second time?

5. Who does Margeurite have the second person she talks to in the boudoir send a message to?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Suzanne talk about when she comes to see Marguerite the day after the ball?

2. Why did Lord Blakeney say his love for Marguerite cooled?

3. What does Blakeney say he uses in men to outwit them?

4. What does the item Marguerite receives from Chauvelin reveal to her?

5. How did Blakeney trick Chauvelin at the end of the book?

6. What does Marguerite ask her husband when she is in her garden after the ball?

7. Why does Marguerite follow Chauvelin to where he thinks her husband will be?

8. What does Marguerite receive from Chauvelin after she realizes that her husband is the Scarlet Pimpernel?

9. What do the Blakeneys do when they return to England at the end of the book?

10. What does Chauvelin say when he hears his secretary did not see Blakeny run out of the inn?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What kind of assumptions did people make about Marguerite and why? How did these assumptions affect Marguerite and her standing in society?

Essay Topic 2

Marguerite endures many different trials before the end of the book. What are some of these trials and what lessons does she learn through these experiences?

Essay Topic 3

Despair is a theme that was placed in a number of sensitive places in this plot. What are some of these places, and what role does despair play in this book?

(see the answer keys)

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