The Scarlet Ibis Test | Final Test - Hard

James Hurst
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scarlet Ibis Test | Final Test - Hard

James Hurst
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is the story being told?

2. Where is the ibis perched?

3. On what does Brother blame his cruelty toward Doodle?

4. What does the doctor say about Doodle trying to move around?

5. When Brother says, of the hope they had when they started training, "Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold" (7), what should the reader understand from this simile?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which character says "And bless the Pearsons, whose boy Joe was lost at Belleau Wood" (8) and what does this comment foreshadow?

2. What does the narrator make Doodle do in the barn loft, and how does Doodle react?

3. When Doodle and "Brother" take up telling one another stories to pass the time, what story does Doodle tell?

4. How does Doodle get his nickname?

5. Whenever Doodle wants to quit trying to learn how to walk, how does "Brother" motivate him to keep trying?

6. How does Doodle die?

7. When Doodle collapses during their "training," what conversation do he and "Brother" have and how does the conversation show their different attitudes about Doodle's disability?

8. How does "Brother" go about teaching Doodle to walk?

9. What do Doodle and "Brother" do with the flowers at Old Woman Swamp?

10. How old is Doodle when he learns to walk, and why is his age relevant to him learning to walk?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Is there any defense of "Brother's" actions where Doodle is concerned? Write an essay in which you consider both why "Brother" did what he did and what effects his actions had in Doodle's life. Be sure to use textual support for your claims.

Essay Topic 2

Write an essay in which you analyze the use of World War I as a background for this story. Explain how thematic motifs in this story are related to World War I and how the story is made richer by this association. Be sure to use textual evidence to support your claims, and if you use outside sources, cite them in MLA format.

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay in which you consider the effect that story structure has on the reader's understanding of theme. Think about how this story would be different if "Brother" told the story as it was happening or even immediately afterward. When you consider that "Brother" has had years to grow up and think about his actions towards Doodle, how does that impact your understanding of what his story means? Be sure to use textual support for your claims.

(see the answer keys)

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