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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What draws the family's attention to the ibis?
2. What literary techniques are shown in the phrase, "[I]t lay on the earth like a broken vase of red flowers" (9)?
3. At first, Daddy is upset by the hurricane and looks defeated. What does he do that makes Brother and Doodle think that things will be all right?
4. What Biblical event does Aunt Nicey mention when the boys tell the family that they have a big surprise for them?
5. What does Doodle say when Brother tells him he is going to teach him to walk?
Short Essay Questions
1. When Doodle collapses during their "training," what conversation do he and "Brother" have and how does the conversation show their different attitudes about Doodle's disability?
2. When the narrator finally realizes that he will have to take Doodle everywhere he goes, where does he take Doodle, and what is Doodle's reaction?
3. What are Chateau-Thierry, Amiens, and Soissons, and how do they relate to this story?
4. How does Daddy react to the hurricane, and what emotions do his reactions cause in his sons?
5. When "Brother" dances around with Aunt Nicey to celebrate Doodle walking, what happens, and why it is it ironic?
6. How old is Doodle when he learns to walk, and why is his age relevant to him learning to walk?
7. Whenever Doodle wants to quit trying to learn how to walk, how does "Brother" motivate him to keep trying?
8. How does "Brother" go about teaching Doodle to walk?
9. What does the narrator make Doodle do in the barn loft, and how does Doodle react?
10. Which character says "And bless the Pearsons, whose boy Joe was lost at Belleau Wood" (8) and what does this comment foreshadow?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The narrator feels responsible for his brother's death. Do you agree? Write an essay using evidence form the story to argue that "Brother" is or is not responsible for Doodle's death.
Essay Topic 2
Write an essay in which you consider the significance of the stories that the two brothers tell one another. They often imagine their future, and sometimes they pass time by making up stories about imaginary worlds. What do these stories tell the reader about the characters and about their motives? Be sure to use textual evidence to support your claims.
Essay Topic 3
Choose one symbol from the story and write an essay that analyzes its use: be sure to consider the descriptions associated with the symbol, the mood it is intended to create, and its role in the plot as you make a claim about the symbol's meaning and function in the story.
This section contains 970 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |