The Scarlet Ibis Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Hurst
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scarlet Ibis Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Hurst
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Doodle suggest that Brother can marry?
(a) Their neighbor.
(b) Their mother.
(c) Their aunt.
(d) Their father.

2. When Doodle smiles at Brother for the first time, how does Brother feel?
(a) Sad and angry.
(b) Suspicious and numb.
(c) Happy and excited.
(d) Confused and worried.

3. When is the story being told?
(a) At the end of Brother's life.
(b) Some years after the events of the story take place.
(c) Immediately after the events of the story take place.
(d) In the winter, after Doodle dies.

4. The sentence "Mama once said, 'And bless the Pearsons, whose boy Joe was lost at Belleau Wood'" (8) is an example of which literary technique?
(a) Metaphor.
(b) Foreshadowing.
(c) Hyperbole.
(d) Sarcasm.

5. Where are Doodle's cart and coffin in the time when this story is being told?
(a) Still in the loft in the barn.
(b) In the front room of the house.
(c) They have been thrown away.
(d) They were buried with Doodle.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Brother comments that "Hope no longer hid in the dark palmetto thicket but perched like a cardinal in the lacy toothbrush tree, brilliantly visible" (3), what two literary techniques are being used?

2. What deadline do Doodle and Brother set for Doodle's physical training?

3. When Brother says, of the hope they had when they started training, "Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold" (7), what should the reader understand from this simile?

4. What literary techniques are shown in the phrase, "[I]t lay on the earth like a broken vase of red flowers" (9)?

5. When Brother asks "What are the words that can solder cracked pride?" (11), what is he comparing words to?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Mama tells "Brother" that Doodle might be mentally disabled, what does "Brother" plan to do, and what changes his mind?

2. When Doodle learns to walk, where does the family put his cart, and why is this symbolically appropriate?

3. When "Brother" tells Doodle that he is going to teach Doodle to walk, what is Doodle's response?

4. What future do "Brother" and Doodle imagine for themselves at Old Woman Sawmp?

5. When the narrator finally realizes that he will have to take Doodle everywhere he goes, where does he take Doodle, and what is Doodle's reaction?

6. Whenever Doodle wants to quit trying to learn how to walk, how does "Brother" motivate him to keep trying?

7. When Doodle and "Brother" take up telling one another stories to pass the time, what story does Doodle tell?

8. When "Brother" dances around with Aunt Nicey to celebrate Doodle walking, what happens, and why it is it ironic?

9. Where is the grindstone and what is its symbolic meaning?

10. How does Daddy react to the hurricane, and what emotions do his reactions cause in his sons?

(see the answer keys)

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