The Scalpel and the Silver Bear Test | Final Test - Medium

Lori Alvord
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scalpel and the Silver Bear Test | Final Test - Medium

Lori Alvord
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Walking in ________ becomes a whole philosophy of wellness, according to Alvord.
(a) Beauty.
(b) Power.
(c) Truth.
(d) Movement.

2. What do Jon and Lori decide to do in order to start the labor process early?
(a) Have a ceremony.
(b) Pray.
(c) Induce.
(d) Nothing.

3. Thomas says that he had a call to become a ___________, which Alvord describes after talking with him.
(a) Therapist.
(b) Holy person.
(c) Healing agent.
(d) Doctor.

4. Alvord is told that she needs to stop ________ because of her pregnancy related condition.
(a) Standing up.
(b) Healing practices.
(c) Medications.
(d) Surgery.

5. What could the hospital get in order to force Melanie to have the necessary surgery?
(a) Restraining order.
(b) New guardian.
(c) Injunction.
(d) Court order.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the nickname that Alvord has already given to her new child, according to this part of the story?

2. What does Jon decide to ask Lori out to when he finally summons up the courage to ask her out?

3. The first that is described in #157 is a sign that the ________ of the baby has attached to the body.

4. What is the full name of the IHS, as described in this book as having conducted alleged atrocities?

5. On what day of the induction do the drugs begin to work in Lori's body, according to the book?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Alvord choose the name she does for her child during her pregnancy?

2. What are some of the feelings that Alvord has during the ceremony that Thomas does for Alvord and her child?

3. What is the experience of Bernice that causes her to be afraid of doctors and of surgeries?

4. What is special about Thomas' position as a medicine man in 1955?

5. What does Alvord want to remember as she is experiencing the labor and its complications?

6. What is so special to the Navajo about a baby's first laugh, according to Alvord?

7. What does Alvord find out from John when they go out for lunch together, according to the book?

8. What does Alvord believe happened during Florena's surgery, which may have led to her death?

9. What does Jon tell Dr. Alvord when Jon's dog becomes seriously injured as a result of a car accident?

10. What is the added problem that comes along with the larger than normal harvest on the reservation?

(see the answer keys)

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