The Saxon Shore Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Saxon Shore Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As he is falling asleep at the end of Chapter 20, what does Merlyn realize he just needs to think of in order to feel happy?
(a) His aunt.
(b) Sheelagh.
(c) Arthur's wet nurse.
(d) Arthur.

2. Why doesn't Merlyn tell Donuil about his realization of the meaning behind his prophetic dream as he and his men leave Eire?
(a) Because he realizes Donuil is a spy.
(b) Because Donuil doesn't believe in prophetic dreams.
(c) Because Donuil is too distraught over Sheelagh.
(d) Because he can't seem to get Donuil alone.

3. What do the people from Eire think when they arrive with Merlyn back in Camulod?
(a) They think it's nice but not quite like home.
(b) They are overwhelmed and impressed.
(c) They are angry they took such a long journey to such a boring place.
(d) They are underwhelmed and unimpressed.

4. What does Sheelagh believe will happen with her and Donuil?
(a) They will have two sons and two daughters.
(b) They will have two daughters.
(c) They will have two sons.
(d) They will have no children.

5. What do Dergyll and Merlyn discuss as Chapter 26 comes to a close?
(a) That Dergyll should come to Camuld more often.
(b) Renewing their alliance with each other.
(c) The best way to breed horses.
(d) How to find wives.

6. Where do Sheelagh and Arthur's wet nurse stay when they reach Camulod with Merlyn?
(a) In Merlyn's castle.
(b) With Aunt Luceia.
(c) In a special hotel for unmarried women.
(d) In their own house they rent together.

7. What delays Merlyn's plans to seek justice for the attack in Chapter 21?
(a) Arthur's illness.
(b) Sheelagh's pregnancy.
(c) Bad snow and other weather.
(d) A dream his has.

8. What does Merlyn realize is the only way for him to get down and help Mordecai?
(a) To slide down on his belly, like a snake.
(b) To crawl down on his hands and knees.
(c) To lower himself using a rope.
(d) To walk backward to reduce the risk of falling.

9. In Chapter 17, where does Athol say he is going to move his people for the Winter?
(a) North.
(b) East.
(c) West.
(d) South.

10. Who is behind the surprise attack on Donuil, Merlyn, Athol, and their men in Chapter 16?
(a) Finn.
(b) No one ever really finds out.
(c) The Wild Ones.
(d) Ironhair.

11. How does Arthur react when he sees Excalibur for the first time?
(a) He grips it strongly and doesn't want to let it go.
(b) He is disinterested.
(c) He doesn't react at all, almost like he's in a trance.
(d) Even though he's very little, he can pick it up with ease.

12. Why is Sheelagh hesitant to share that she has prophetic dreams?
(a) She is afraid one will be incorrect and then people will call her a liar.
(b) She is afraid people will bother her all the time with requests.
(c) She doesn't want to be accused of sorcery.
(d) She knows that Donuil hates people who talk about stuff like this.

13. Where are the arrows from that were used in the surprise attack on Camulod in Chapter 21?
(a) Cummingdale.
(b) Pendragon.
(c) Rome.
(d) Eire.

14. How do Merlyn and his men feel about returning to home soil?
(a) Very, very happy.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Conflicted.
(d) Frustrated.

15. Why is Merlyn not worried about all the blood on him after he tries to rescue Mordecai?
(a) Because it is Mordecai's blood.
(b) Because it is horseblood.
(c) Because he still feels fine.
(d) Because it is just the blood from a rabbit he killed and ate.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Merlyn have to wait for help with Mordecai?

2. What does Merlyn think about in regard to Arthur as he heads home to Camulod from Eire?

3. What kind of weapons do Dergyll and his men have?

4. Who does Aunt Luceiia see in Arthur in Chapter 19?

5. How do Merlyn's troops feel about the attack on the leper colony?

(see the answer keys)

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