The Saxon Shore Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Saxon Shore Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Merlyn wear to the second meeting of the Council?
(a) Nothing; he wants to shock them.
(b) Rags.
(c) His finest business suit.
(d) Garb denoting his status.

2. During the conversation about Merlyn possibly being a sorcerer in Chapter 9, what does Merlyn admit to Ambrose?
(a) That being a sorcerer is a lot easier than he had thought.
(b) That the fees for being a sorcerer are very expensive.
(c) That he does have prophetic dreams.
(d) That being a sorcerer is a lot harder than he had thought.

3. Who is Popilius?
(a) Merlyn's father.
(b) A senior soldier in Camulod.
(c) A man who tries to kidnap Arthur.
(d) A man who tries to assassinate Merlyn.

4. When Ambrose and Ludmilla come to check on Merlyn after he is stabbed, what is he doing when they think he is sleeping?
(a) Sending out messengers about his attack.
(b) Writing a love letter to Ludmilla.
(c) Planning his escape.
(d) Pretending to sleep.

5. Why is Merlyn able to communicate so quickly with his captors in Chapter 1?
(a) Because he's a sorcerer he can understand everyone.
(b) He realizes he speaks their language.
(c) They all speak English.
(d) He knows sign language.

6. Who is Lucanus?
(a) A woman Merlyn's mother hopes he will marry.
(b) Merlyn's friend and a physician.
(c) Merlyn's sworn enemy.
(d) Merlyn's son.

7. How does Athol react to the gifts Merlyn and Donuil bring?
(a) He is amazed.
(b) He is furious because he sees them as godly.
(c) He doesn't really understand them, actually.
(d) He is so humbled by them, he weeps.

8. What warning does Merlyn give Ironhair after their confrontation in Chapter 6?
(a) That he will one day seek revenge for these actions.
(b) This is a trick question; there is no such confrontation in Chapter 6.
(c) That he will spend the rest of his life in jail for what he did.
(d) Not to challenge him in the future.

9. How many days after his stabbing does Merlyn finally leave for Eire?
(a) 30.
(b) 9.
(c) 14.
(d) 2.

10. Who does Merlyn's aunt tell Merlyn would be proud of him because of his work with the Council?
(a) Her brother.
(b) His father.
(c) Her husband.
(d) All of these answers are correct.

11. Who made Excalibur?
(a) Merlyn's aunt.
(b) Arthur himself.
(c) The local blacksmith.
(d) Merlyn's uncle.

12. What important thing(s) do Donuil, Merlyn, and Athol discuss in Athol's tent.
(a) Warfare and cavalry.
(b) All of these answers are correct.
(c) The importance of Arthur.
(d) That the king's daughter has been killed.

13. Who does Merlyn suspect is behind his stabbing?
(a) Donuil.
(b) Popilius.
(c) Ambrose.
(d) Ironhair.

14. Where does Ambrose tell Merlyn he plans to stay in Chapter 6?
(a) Erin.
(b) Camulod.
(c) Outside in the forest.
(d) Rome.

15. How old is Merlyn in the Prologue?
(a) 20.
(b) 80.
(c) 60.
(d) 40.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are Merlyn and his men putting on a cavalry display for Athol and his men?

2. What town does Merlyn consider home?

3. When Ironhair and Merlyn have a confrontation in Chapter 6, who wins?

4. Who does Merlyn think killed Uther?

5. What promise does Merlyn make to the dead Uther?

(see the answer keys)

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