The Saxon Shore Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Saxon Shore Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, The Saxon Shore: Chapters 11-14.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what perspective is "The Saxon Shore" written?
(a) First person.
(b) Second person.
(c) Third person.
(d) Fourth person.

2. Where does Merlyn go to grieve his wife in Chapter 6?
(a) Her favorite spring.
(b) A secret vale where they lived together.
(c) The cemetery.
(d) Her favorite tree just outside of town.

3. What town does Merlyn consider home?
(a) Canchester.
(b) Camulod.
(c) Cummingsburg.
(d) Cambridge.

4. Where is Merlyn sleeping with Arthur when Chapter 1 opens?
(a) In the top room of a small inn.
(b) In the bottom of a boat.
(c) In the bottom of a house, in the basement.
(d) In the bottom of a cave.

5. Who wants to join Donuil and Merlyn on their trip to Eire?
(a) Arthur.
(b) Merlyn's aunt.
(c) Lucanus.
(d) Ironhair.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Merlyn considering celibacy?

2. Where does Ambrose tell Merlyn he plans to stay in Chapter 6?

3. Who is Lucanus?

4. What does Lucanus tell Merlyn he should fear about the lepers?

5. What does the wild animal that interrupts the beginning of the cavalry show do first?

(see the answer key)

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