The Satyricon of Petronius / The Apocolocyntosis of Seneca Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Satyricon of Petronius / The Apocolocyntosis of Seneca Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who died a year before the "The Apocolocyntosis" was written?
(a) Augustus.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Claudius.
(d) Nero.

2. In which country was the author of "The Apocolocyntosis" born?
(a) Spain.
(b) Greece.
(c) Malta.
(d) Italy.

3. Who ordered the exile of the author of "The Apocolocyntosis"?
(a) Nero.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Claudius.
(d) Augustus.

4. In the farce they are creating to enter Croton, which companion will say he has just buried his son?
(a) Ascyltus.
(b) Encolpius.
(c) Euripides.
(d) Eumolpus.

5. What must Giton remove for his role in Croton?
(a) His money.
(b) His toga.
(c) His wig.
(d) His accent.

6. Who transports Claudius to hell?
(a) Mercury.
(b) Mars.
(c) Hercules.
(d) Janus.

7. What is not held in high esteem in Croton?
(a) Education.
(b) The gods.
(c) Royalty.
(d) Wealth.

8. Which of the companions plans to act addled and ill as part of his disguise?
(a) Ascyltus.
(b) Encolpius.
(c) Giton.
(d) Eumolpus.

9. What happens to Encolpius when he cannot sexually perform with the beautiful woman a second time?
(a) He is kicked out of town.
(b) He is beaten.
(c) He runs back to his boy lover.
(d) He cries.

10. What is placed on top of a table by the priestess?
(a) Food for a feast.
(b) Hot coals.
(c) Herbs for mixing a remedy.
(d) A pig.

11. Who brings a witch to the woods to meet Encolpius?
(a) Oenothea.
(b) Chrysis.
(c) Circe.
(d) Proselenus.

12. Who proposes that Claudius be made a god simply because of his blood relation to other gods?
(a) Diespiter.
(b) Jupiter.
(c) Janus.
(d) Mercury.

13. Who takes Encolpius to a temple?
(a) Giton.
(b) Circe.
(c) Chrysis.
(d) Proselenus.

14. What is the cause of minor objections raised about the authorship of "The Apocolocyntosis"?
(a) The author was not very bright.
(b) Some say the author was not alive when it was written.
(c) Its strange title.
(d) No one recalls the younger writer.

15. What does Claudius order for the one who called him out for lying about his identity to Hercules?
(a) The stockade.
(b) Hanging.
(c) Decapitation.
(d) Exile.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Eumolpus, how is the only accurate way to record history?

2. What were people without fortunes in Croton doing?

3. What role must Claudius serve as his final punishment?

4. Who killed Hercules' great granddaughters and great-great grandson?

5. Who will portray a wealthy man when the companions enter Croton?

(see the answer keys)

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