The Sandman Vol. 8: World's End Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sandman Vol. 8: World's End Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gift does Prez give to Morpheus at the end of the tale?
(a) Campaign button.
(b) Silk scarf.
(c) His father's watch.
(d) Undying gratitude.

2. What does Smiley offer to Prez?
(a) Return of Kathy.
(b) Riches.
(c) Fame.
(d) Another presidential term.

3. Who does Brant meet at this location?
(a) Jim.
(b) Morpheus.
(c) Seeker.
(d) God.

4. Which author wrote the famous work?
(a) Hemingway.
(b) Hobbes.
(c) Haley.
(d) Twain.

5. The girl's dream was to become which of the following?
(a) Pilot.
(b) Pirate.
(c) Sailor.
(d) Nurse.

6. Where was the new character born?
(a) Steadfast.
(b) Charlotte.
(c) Milford.
(d) Los Angeles.

7. The man is in search of a character known as:
(a) Johnny.
(b) Ricardo.
(c) Hoover.
(d) Prez.

8. What is Smiley's nickname?
(a) Boss.
(b) Hoss.
(c) Jack.
(d) Uncle.

9. What kinds of things begin to occur after Prez is elected?
(a) Catastrophes.
(b) Revolution.
(c) Government uprising.
(d) Miracles.

10. Which was not one of the ships used by the girl?
(a) QE 1.
(b) Spirit of Whitby.
(c) Sea Witch.
(d) Pyramus.

11. What is the main thing Prez gives to the people while in office?
(a) Tax breaks.
(b) Security.
(c) Peace and prosperity.
(d) New jobs.

12. The stowaway is from which country?
(a) China.
(b) Turkey.
(c) India.
(d) South Africa.

13. Which president is mentioned as a major character in the text?
(a) Truman.
(b) Nixon.
(c) Adams.
(d) Lincoln.

14. What causes the storm?
(a) Bad luck.
(b) Serpent.
(c) Gods.
(d) Wind.

15. What adjective best describes Prez's presidential life?
(a) Exceptional.
(b) Ineffective.
(c) Mediocre.
(d) Average.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was the character born?

2. Jim believes that the stowaway might be:

3. Despite Smiley's offers Prez staunchly refuses to do what?

4. Who presents Prez to Boss Smiley in the afterlife?

5. What is the name of the ship that crashes onto the rocks?

(see the answer keys)

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