The Sandman: A Game of You Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sandman: A Game of You Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5, Over the Sea to Sky.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which two characters talk about warning Barbie that bad stuff is coming in Chapter 4?
(a) Black Guard and Thessaly.
(b) Cuckoo and George.
(c) Morpheus and Nuala.
(d) Hazel and Foxglove.

2. What does Barbie discover about whom she meets in Chapter 5?
(a) They are tiny.
(b) They are all very old.
(c) They are stuffed images of Martin Tenbones, Luz, Prinado and Wilkinson.
(d) They make a lot of noise.

3. To what does Barbie compare being watched in Chapter 4?
(a) George in the apartment.
(b) The surveillance in New York City.
(c) Bilbo in Mirkwood when the giant spiders attack.
(d) The attack of the killer bees.

4. To whom does George tell Thessaly that he sent the birds to haunt and give bad dreams?
(a) Cuckoo and Barbie.
(b) Thessaly, Wanda, Foxglove and Hazel.
(c) Nuala and Morpheus.
(d) Maisie Hill and Murphy.

5. What does Barbie say when she finds out that her destination is far away?
(a) She had better get going.
(b) She needs help.
(c) She will fly on the wings of a bird.
(d) She is going to give up.

Short Answer Questions

1. "Sandman: A Game of You" is __________ in a series of graphic novels.

2. What does Wilkinson say after learning about Martin's death?

3. Whose picture do Hazel, Wanda and Foxglove find in the apartment when they place Barbie on the couch in Chapter 3?

4. Who claims to be a woman in a dream in Chapter 2?

5. What is Thessaly missing from George's face that she needs in order to talk to him in Chapter 3?

(see the answer key)

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