The Samurai's Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Samurai's Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What tragedy befalls Keiko's family?
(a) Her father dies suddenly.
(b) Her sister drowns.
(c) Her brother is killed in the war.
(d) Their house burns.

2. Stephen says he feels like his new life has ended. What does he say he has returned to?
(a) The lonliness of an unwelcome visitor.
(b) The solitude of the sick.
(c) The time of sickness, sleeping late and doing little.
(d) The oppressive heat of a Chinese summer.

3. What dampens Stephen's enjoyment on the walk to Yamaguchi?
(a) Keiko's father's feelings towards him.
(b) The dismal weather.
(c) Thoughts of his parents' marriage.
(d) His fear that he may return to Hong Kong.

4. Who does Sachi say was Matsu's opposite?
(a) Hiro.
(b) Tomoko.
(c) Sachi.
(d) Kenzo.

5. Where does Keiko find Stephen when she heads to Matsu's to visit?
(a) On the road to her house.
(b) At the beach.
(c) At the temple in Tama.
(d) In Matsu's garden.

6. What does Keiko do when Stephen asks her to meet him at the shrine?
(a) Begs him to leave her alone.
(b) Says he brings shame on her family.
(c) Looks in his eyes and nods.
(d) Touches his hand when no one is looking and leaves.

7. What dream does Stephen record in his journal?
(a) Of Keiko and Pie building houses in Yamaguchi.
(b) Of his parents having tea with Sachi.
(c) Of Pie handing out bandages to the lepers.
(d) Of the Japanese Army invading Yamaguchi.

8. Where do Stephen and Matsu spend the night after they help fight the fire in Yamaguchi?
(a) Sachi's house.
(b) Outside in Sachi's garden.
(c) Hiro's house.
(d) Michiko's house.

9. Why did Sachi's father take her to shrines after her diagnosis with leprosy?
(a) To atone for her sins.
(b) As penance for having failed the family.
(c) To purify her.
(d) To pray for healing.

10. What do Stephen and his father seek to discuss on the June, 1938 visit?
(a) Stephen's siblings..
(b) Bringing Stephen into the business.
(c) Stephen's mother.
(d) Non-controversial topics.

11. How does Sachi respond to the way Matsu and Stephen arrive at her house?
(a) She smiles, but is confused.
(b) She tells them to come inside.
(c) With gratitude.
(d) She laughs.

12. What does Sachi say Matsu told her when he discovered she ran away rather than take her own life?
(a) It takes more courage to live than to die.
(b) One sister lost is enough.
(c) There is a place you can go.
(d) My soul is grateful you could not act.

13. What does the letter Stephen receives say about his mother's mood?
(a) She is in a bad mood.
(b) She is confused.
(c) She is depressed.
(d) She is delusional.

14. Who does Stephen work with to put out the fire?
(a) Kenzo.
(b) Hiro.
(c) Sachi.
(d) Tanka.

15. What does Stephen say he did at the celebration in Yamaguchi?
(a) Drank too much sake and sang loudly.
(b) Watched Sachi and Matsu.
(c) Stayed back and observed.
(d) Drank too much sake and fell asleep.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Stephen refer to as "master of the house" in the journal entry about his September, 1938 visit?

2. Where has Matsu been when he returns to the beach house?

3. What does the letter say Penelope feels about donating money for the refuges?

4. What does Stephen's mother recommend in her May, 1938 letter to him?

5. What does Stephen tell Matsu about Keiko as the two men work in the garden?

(see the answer keys)

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