The Sacred Journey; a Memoir of Early Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sacred Journey; a Memoir of Early Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. One of Freddy's first steps is to do which of the following?
(a) Learn about the law.
(b) Take a math test.
(c) Write poetry.
(d) Visit a museum.

2. What did Buechner receive as he was preparing to leave for home?
(a) Information packet.
(b) Blessing.
(c) Book.
(d) Epiphany.

3. What was the first name of the woman?
(a) Naya.
(b) Willie.
(c) Nanny.
(d) Betty.

4. A minister asks Buechner if he would consider working for the _____ of God and the Church.
(a) Celebration.
(b) Glory.
(c) Attention.
(d) Benefit.

5. In what town does Freddy work?
(a) Brooklyn.
(b) Tryon.
(c) Lawrenceville.
(d) Boone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Buechner travel to ask for the favor?

2. Freddy's ideas may seem crazy yet they offer a sense of _____.

3. What type of hat did grandpa wear?

4. The country seems to come together under the umbrella of which of the following:

5. Where did Buechner go to college?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the friend situation resolved? What does Freddy learn from the experience?

2. How does Buechner view the "beyond time" events that occur after he leaves Princeton?

3. What do the woman and the boy have in common?

4. Explain what Buechner means by the phrase "beyond time."

5. What happens to Freddy after he is discharged from the Army?

6. Examine Freddy's experience at the monastery. Did it turn out as planned?

7. What was Freddy's next step in finding answers to this new predicament?

8. How does religion begin to creep into Freddy's work? What comparisons are made to other works of art?

9. Explain the atmosphere at Princeton. What is the cause of the students' feelings? How are they handled?

10. The story about Naya foreshadows an issue faced by Buechner in years to come. What is the issue? Why does it occur?

(see the answer keys)

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