The Running Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Running Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jessica give her dad permission to do later that night, after the news interview in Part IV?
(a) Call off the Campaign.
(b) Ground her.
(c) Take her cell phone away.
(d) Call Marla Sumner.

2. What does Ms. Rucker ask Jessica at school the day after the track meet in Part III?
(a) If she did her homework.
(b) If she will be moving back to her old seat.
(c) When she will run again.
(d) How her parents are doing.

3. Who does Jessica pay a visit to when she sees them sitting on their porch during her walk in Part IV?
(a) Ms. Rucker.
(b) Rosa.
(c) Vanessa.
(d) Gavin.

4. What does Jessica walk in on her dad telling the news crew about at home after the meet?
(a) His wife.
(b) The Help Jessica Run campaign.
(c) Jessica’s physical improvements.
(d) The issue with the medical expenses.

5. What do most of the girls think of Jessica’s new leg?
(a) They think it is ugly and gross.
(b) They think it is cool and awesome.
(c) They are indifferent.
(d) They think it is weird.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Jessica evaluate her senior year so far?

2. What does Jessica tell Gavin when he asks if she can understand what Rosa is saying?

3. How long is the River Run?

4. What does Jessica do at the next visit to Hank’s, in Part III?

5. What does Jessica practice doing the next morning, after deciding to take Rose for a run?

Short Essay Questions

1. What helps Jessica push through the full ten-mile River Run?

2. Why is Jessica wary about wearing her track uniform to the fundraising event?

3. Why does Jessica feel proud of herself when she leaves Hank’s with her new leg?

4. What does Jessica decide about herself when she completes the River Run?

5. Why is Dad impressed when he drops Jessica off at the fundraising event?

6. In what way does Rosa open Jessica’s eyes about the concept of the finish line?

7. How does Jessica rationalize the fact that Gavin seems to be around all the time?

8. What does Jessica tell Ms. Rucker when she asks if she is going to move back to her old seat?

9. Why does Jessica feel guilty when he dad explains why he had to explain their personal business to Marla Sumner?

10. Why does Jessica’s mom urge her to call Gavin the morning after the fundraising event?

(see the answer keys)

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