The Running Dream Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Running Dream Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Kyro help Jessica prepare for her and Rosa's run in Part V?
(a) Find a way to cheat.
(b) Break in her running leg.
(c) Work out a training schedule and diet.
(d) Give her steroids.

2. What does Jessica nickname their effort to bring attention to Rosa?
(a) Team Jessica.
(b) Team Rosa.
(c) Team Sherlock.
(d) Team Liberty High.

3. What does Jessica promise Kyro as a thank-you for his help?
(a) She will wash his car.
(b) She will try track next year.
(c) She will get him a present.
(d) She will pay him back the money.

4. Who shows up to the car wash and makes Jessica feel embarrassed for exposing her leg?
(a) Rosa.
(b) Gavin.
(c) Vanessa Steele.
(d) Claudia Steele.

5. Why does Jessica think Gavin tagged along to the appointment in Part IV?
(a) He was bored.
(b) He likes Fiona.
(c) He needed a ride.
(d) He likes her.

6. Why does Jessica want to take Rosa on a run?
(a) She wants to challenge herself physically.
(b) She thinks it would be easy.
(c) She wants to do something nice for her.
(d) She thinks she could use the exercise.

7. What does Jessica do to try to thank Gavin for his help in the fundraiser?
(a) Call him.
(b) Email him.
(c) Text him.
(d) Go to his house.

8. What does Jessica’s sign at the fundraiser say?
(a) “I need your help.”
(b) “Help me run.”
(c) “Give me money.”
(d) “I want to run again.”

9. What does Jessica do some mornings after her exercise in Part V?
(a) Visits Rosa on her porch.
(b) Goes to the park.
(c) Sits in her driveway.
(d) Takes a cold shower.

10. How does Jessica feel when Hank removes her leg and exposes her stump to her friends?
(a) Embarrassed.
(b) Cool.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Proud.

11. What does Jessica do when Gavin does not bring a lunch to 402?
(a) Tells him to go get something.
(b) Ignores him while she eats.
(c) Tells him to leave.
(d) Shares half her lunch with him.

12. What does Fiona come by to tell Jessica on Sunday in Part IV?
(a) That she does not like Rosa.
(b) That she likes Gavin.
(c) That she is quitting track.
(d) That she is going to the prom.

13. Who has seen Jessica’s intimate interaction with Gavin in the driveway?
(a) Sherlock.
(b) Her mom.
(c) Her dad.
(d) Kaylee.

14. How long is the River Run?
(a) 26 miles.
(b) 10 miles.
(c) 8 miles.
(d) 2 miles.

15. What does Jessica give her dad permission to do later that night, after the news interview in Part IV?
(a) Call off the Campaign.
(b) Ground her.
(c) Call Marla Sumner.
(d) Take her cell phone away.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gavin promise to do for Jessica regarding her run?

2. What grade does Jessica receive on the math test?

3. What do Jessica’s teammate encourage her to do to attract attention of people driving by the fundraiser?

4. What does Kyro tell the team at the next meeting, after Jessica got the results of her math test in Part IV?

5. What does Jessica realize the next time she has the running dream in Part 5?

(see the answer keys)

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