The Robots of Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robots of Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Daneel describe his and Baley's relationship?
(a) Casual and brief.
(b) Master and slave.
(c) Soul mates.
(d) Partners and friends.

2. In what way does Daneel disagree with Vasilia's perception of Fastolfe?
(a) Believing Fastolfe is really Vasilia's father.
(b) Believing Fastolfe is innocent.
(c) Believing Fastolfe is cruel.
(d) Believing Fastolfe abused Vasilia.

3. Why does Baley begin taking Giskard's opinion more seriously?
(a) Because he has known the principles for a long time.
(b) Because Vasilia trusts him so much.
(c) Because Fastolfe may have overlooked Giskard.
(d) Because Daneel refuses to make comments.

4. What is the main agenda at the meeting with the Chairman?
(a) Why Jander was put out of commission.
(b) Who killed Jander.
(c) Who should explore and settle the Galaxy.
(d) How more humaniform robots can be built.

5. From Gremionis's house, who does Baley call?
(a) Vasilia.
(b) Fastolfe.
(c) Maloon Cicis, head of the Robotic Institute.
(d) Kenden Amadiro, head of the RIA.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Baley admit to Gladia about the upcoming hearing?

2. What causes Amadiro to change his behavior while Baley is in his office?

3. Why are Daneel and Giskard worried about Baley using the public Personal?

4. What does Baley theorize about future robotic family groups?

5. The morning after the storm, what suggestive remark does Daneel make to Baley?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Fastolfe think about his daughter's assessment of himself?

2. Why does Giskard interrupt while Baley is asking Daneel about the role of the Chairman in Auroran government?

3. What would be the outcome if Fastolfe ordered Daneel not to consider him guilty of Jander's destruction?

4. How does Amadiro stall for time with Baley until the storm hits?

5. Why does Baley think his limited understanding of Auroran manners hinders him in his work?

6. Why is the consideration of sins of commission and omission irrelevant to robots?

7. What does Vasilia have to say about Fastolfe's fascination with Baley and Gladia?

8. How does Baley argue that Daneel might be able to control other robots?

9. How does the conversation between Baley and Gremionis end?

10. How does Vasilia describe her upbringing in Fastolfe's house?

(see the answer keys)

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