The Robots of Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robots of Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Baley to overcome his fear of being out in the storm?
(a) Allowing Daneel to leave without him.
(b) Shame of appearing weak before the robots.
(c) A post-hypnotic suggestion.
(d) Thinking about Gladia.

2. What is Gremionis's job?
(a) He is a psychologist.
(b) He is a linguist.
(c) He is an artist.
(d) He is a roboticist.

3. For the third time, what happens in Baley's mind?
(a) He falls asleep in Gladia's arms.
(b) He goes Outside in the airfoil.
(c) He gets beaten up.
(d) He almost remembers something important.

4. What does Baley say he is trying to find out about Vasilia?
(a) If she knows who killed Jander.
(b) If she is attracted to him.
(c) If she is an accomplice to Jander's murder.
(d) If she had a relationship with Janer.

5. What indicates to Baley that humans on Aurora do not really think of robots as equals?
(a) Robots are denied political office.
(b) Robots are made to be servants.
(c) Robots are given ugly uniforms.
(d) Humans make the robots stand in niches.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Amadiro to change his behavior while Baley is in his office?

2. To what does Baley compare Gremionis's behavior?

3. What does Giskard think about Fastolfe?

4. What idea does Vasilia question?

5. Who wants to have a relationship with Gladia?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the conversation between Baley and Gremionis end?

2. Explain what happens when Baley is alone with Gladia in her house.

3. How does Vasilia describe her upbringing in Fastolfe's house?

4. How does Amadiro stall for time with Baley until the storm hits?

5. How does Baley argue that Daneel might be able to control other robots?

6. Explain how Baley gets in to see Kenden Amadiro, head of the RIA.

7. Explain how Baley's meeting Gremionis in the Personal breaks an Earth taboo.

8. What confirms Baley's idea that Daneel is the one in danger?

9. What is the meeting with the Chairman supposed to be about?

10. How does Vasilia feel about classifying Jander's destruction as murder.

(see the answer keys)

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