The Robots of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robots of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Rejected by Vasilia, to whom does Gremionis turn to offer his affections?
(a) Gladia.
(b) Giskard.
(c) Susan Calvin.
(d) Daneel.

2. From Gremionis's house, who does Baley call?
(a) Kenden Amadiro, head of the RIA.
(b) Vasilia.
(c) Fastolfe.
(d) Maloon Cicis, head of the Robotic Institute.

3. How many robots does Baley suggest would mistake Daneel for human?
(a) Forty.
(b) Twenty.
(c) One hundred.
(d) All of them.

4. What is Gremionis's job?
(a) He is a linguist.
(b) He is an artist.
(c) He is a psychologist.
(d) He is a roboticist.

5. What do the robots know about Gremionis?
(a) His entire history.
(b) His educational background.
(c) His criminal record.
(d) Nothing.

6. What is it Baley wishes he could remember?
(a) Something he used to know about Fastolfe.
(b) Something he heard at the RIA.
(c) Something he saw in Gladia's arms.
(d) Something his wife told him on Earth.

7. Who wants to have a relationship with Gladia?
(a) Vasilia.
(b) Gremionis.
(c) Daneel.
(d) Fastolfe.

8. At what point is aggression removed from inhabitants of Aurora?
(a) During the embryonic stage.
(b) During adolescence.
(c) During their sleep.
(d) During elementary education.

9. What does Baley admit to Gladia about the upcoming hearing?
(a) He knows he will convince the Chairman.
(b) He doubts he will be invited.
(c) He doubts he can convince the Chairman.
(d) He plans to question Amadiro.

10. Why does Vasilia really want to use the Psychic Probe on Baley?
(a) It has to do with the political rift on Aurora.
(b) It has to do with humaniform robotics.
(c) She wants to destroy his mind.
(d) She wants to plant suggestions in his mind.

11. Aside from being addressed in the Personal, what other occurrence disturbs Baley?
(a) He doesn't know how to wash up.
(b) A public announcement comes over the intercom.
(c) A woman enters.
(d) He cannot unlock the door.

12. What does Baley figure out about Amadiro's stalling tactics?
(a) That robots do not work well during storms.
(b) That Amadiro is recording the meeting.
(c) That Fastolfe is in immediate danger.
(d) That Daneel, not he, is the target.

13. In what way does Daneel disagree with Vasilia's perception of Fastolfe?
(a) Believing Fastolfe abused Vasilia.
(b) Believing Fastolfe is cruel.
(c) Believing Fastolfe is really Vasilia's father.
(d) Believing Fastolfe is innocent.

14. What does Vasilia think Fastolfe is doing with Gladia and Baley?
(a) Throwing up a smoke screen.
(b) Getting them to spy for them.
(c) Helping them find hapiness.
(d) Using them for experimentation.

15. Why does Daneel praise Giskard when they are in the airfoil?
(a) Because of his ability to calm Baley.
(b) Because of his night vision.
(c) Because of his ability to turn off his senses.
(d) Because of his piloting skills.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gladia think no one really cares about Jander?

2. What happens between Baley and Gladia?

3. What does Giskard claim he has when Baley asks Daneel a political question?

4. Baley vaguely aware of what as he regains consciousness after being caught in the storm?

5. How does Daneel describe his and Baley's relationship?

(see the answer keys)

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