The Robots of Dawn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robots of Dawn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a theory Baley forms as to why Jander froze up?
(a) He sensed Fastolfe had feelings for Gladia.
(b) He possibly sensed Gladia's guilt about their relationship.
(c) He was ordered to lie to Fastolfe.
(d) He had a secret relationship with Vasilia.

2. Why does Baley conclude that Gladia must have felt some shame about her relationship to Jander?
(a) Because she kept it a secret.
(b) Because it was illegal.
(c) Because it was dangerous for her.
(d) Because it was recreational instead of for procreation.

3. What social convention of the Aurorans takes some getting used to for Baley?
(a) The use of leisure time.
(b) The behavior toward humaniform robots.
(c) The complex dining ceremonies.
(d) The social caste system.

4. What bluff does Baley attempt to pull on Fastolfe?
(a) That he may have found the key to an answer.
(b) That Daneel told him why Jander was killed.
(c) That he knows who killed Jander.
(d) That Gladia confessed to killing Jander.

5. What does Giskard have that assures Daneel he has not been substituted?
(a) An infrared identification plate.
(b) Daneel is always with him.
(c) A voice print.
(d) A failsafe destruct mechanism.

6. How does Fastolfe suggest Baley recall the idea that got away from him before he fell asleep?
(a) By putting it out of his mind for a while.
(b) By using a Psychic Probe.
(c) By taking reverse steps.
(d) By calling an astrologer.

7. What vocation of Gladia's brings her together with Jander?
(a) She administers his routine physical checkup.
(b) She designs robotic software.
(c) She teaches Solarian language.
(d) She designs robotic clothing.

8. When Baley and Fastolfe meet again, what do they discuss?
(a) The need for better communication.
(b) The differences between them.
(c) Society's obsessions and the risks of this mission.
(d) Their respective families.

9. What is the Outside work party led by Elijah Baley planning to do?
(a) Rebuild houses after a hurricane.
(b) Colonize another world
(c) Organize a Spacer garden.
(d) Train robots to work outside the domes.

10. What does Baley realize he would be willing to do?
(a) Resign and return to Earth.
(b) Die defending Daneel.
(c) Like Giskard more than he likes Daneel.
(d) Kill Giskard if he harms Daneel.

11. What was the purpose of Fastolfe's throwing the spicer at Baley?
(a) To see if Daneel and Gaskard were programmed right.
(b) To see how Baley would react.
(c) To show Baley how he must be on guard.
(d) A demonstration to show Baley how he is protected.

12. What does Baley think about while using the Personal?
(a) How he cannot recall his dreams.
(b) How hard it will be to readjust to Earth.
(c) How he can confront Fastolfe again.
(d) How he could never get used to this.

13. In finding out about Vasilia, what is shocking to Baley?
(a) Vasilia attempts to seduce Baley.
(b) Aurora has no concept of incest.
(c) Aurora disallows single parent families.
(d) Vasilia claims her father is a fraud.

14. What do both Gladia and Fastolfe agree is impossible for a human to do?
(a) Outwit a robot.
(b) Sneak in undetected by the robots.
(c) Make any changes to a robot.
(d) Kill a robot.

15. Who is the only surviving humaniform robot?
(a) Giskard.
(b) Daneel.
(c) Jander.
(d) Fastolfe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who reacts quickly to rescue Baley from a situation during the ship's descent?

2. What brings Baley out of a deep sleep?

3. How does the Spaceport appear to Bentley as he sees his father off?

4. To where does Fastolfe say Earth humans have swept natural indigenous species?

5. What is a noticeable prejudice among a majority of Earth people?

(see the answer keys)

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