The Robe Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robe Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters XVIII through XX.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marcellus tell his father he intends to report to Tiberius concerning Jesus?
(a) That Jesus came alive after being dead.
(b) Jesus's army of men is much stronger than his.
(c) If he touches Jesus's robe, he will live forever.
(d) Jesus intends to rule the world.

2. How does Demetrius respond to Lucia when she says it may not hurt the slaves to be happy this one time?
(a) He says he has forgotten he is a slave.
(b) He wonders who has a right to tell others when they may be happy.
(c) He tells her she has lost control of her house.
(d) He thanks her for her generosity.

3. Why does Pilate dip his hands in a basin of water and fling the water off his fingers?
(a) To wash his hands of Jesus's case.
(b) To show the crowd he is against them.
(c) It is a courtesy to have clean hands.
(d) He had touched Jesus and wants to be clean.

4. Who does Emperor Tiberius send for when spring arrives in Chapter 7?
(a) Diana and Paula.
(b) Paulus and Marcellus.
(c) Gaius.
(d) Diana and Lucia.

5. With whom does Demetrius find work and a place to live in Jerusalem?
(a) Barsabas.
(b) Benyosef.
(c) Stephanos.
(d) Aaron.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who asks Demetrius to pick up a coat laying near the foot of the central cross in Chapter 6?

2. Why does Simon want Christians to sell their property and bring the proceeds to the Ecclesia?

3. Why is it that the poor people of Galilee and Tiberias do not make use of the healing powers of the hot springs?

4. How many people are situated at the crucifixion site as Demetrius nears it?

5. While on his journey in the small provinces with Justus, what does Marcellus carry in the bottom on his gunny bag?

(see the answer key)

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