The Road Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Road Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While on the beach, why does the father need to warm the son up with a fire and food?
(a) The son is freezing after falling in the ocean while looking for shells.
(b) The son is freezing after going for a run.
(c) The son is freezing after swimming in the ocean.
(d) The son is freezing after being in a downpour of rain.

2. After leaving the barn, the father explores the house -- what does he find inside the house that's useful?
(a) A hammer.
(b) A wrench.
(c) A screwdriver.
(d) A knife.

3. After the father and son finish the last of their food supply, what does the son ask the father about eating?
(a) If they will ever have to eat a human.
(b) If they will ever have to eat a cat.
(c) If they will ever have to eat a dog.
(d) If they will ever have to eat a horse.

4. The morning after sleeping on the road, what do the father and son do because the father is worried about their tracks?
(a) They wipe away their tracks with their hands.
(b) They create false tracks.
(c) They cover their tracks with snow.
(d) They wash away their tracks with water.

5. While the father has another coughing fit, what does he think about?
(a) His wife.
(b) His mother.
(c) His son.
(d) Dying.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the son asks the father if he is dying, they stop to rest and set up camp -- how many days do they stay in this same spot?

2. The father carries his son across a field, but he has to stop every _____ steps.

3. What does the father say about their first night back on the road?

4. Near the tool shed, the father uncovers a locked trap door to a hidden cellar -- how does the son react?

5. After leaving the gas station, the father and son continue along the road -- how many men stop them?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe one example from Chapters 36-40 that demonstrates how the father is becoming more reliant on the son's opinion.

2. Give an example from Chapters 26-30 of where the author uses foreshadowing.

3. Describe how the author generates credibility to the father's paranoia about the world.

4. Give an example from Chapters 21-25 that describes the son's naivety.

5. Recall an example from Chapter 31 that demonstrates how the father is dealing with the son growing up.

6. Describe three things that the father finds in Chapters 21-25 that he finds useful.

7. Describe how the father makes lamps before he and the son enter the hidden cellar.

8. Describe what the father and son find in Chapter 21 after the father breaks open a locked pantry door.

9. Recall how the father displays his paranoid attitude again while he and the son are staying in the hidden cellar.

10. In Chapter 26, describe the son's reaction when the father loses their lighter and cannot make a fire.

(see the answer keys)

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