The Road to Character Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

David Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Road to Character Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

David Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II (Chapters 3 - 4).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Frances Perkins married to?
(a) James Jordan.
(b) Franklin Smith.
(c) Sinclair Lewis.
(d) Paul Wilson.

2. What did Perkins' daughter once do as an adult that embarrassed Perkins?
(a) Wore wildly inappropriate attire to a society event.
(b) Eloped.
(c) Spent all her money and ended up in jail.
(d) Appeared drunk at a wedding.

3. What biblical reference does Brooks use to describe two opposing sides of human nature?
(a) Moses and Job.
(b) Jesus I and Jesus II.
(c) Adam I and Adam II.
(d) Mary and Joseph.

4. Where did Perkins live in New York City with her husband?
(a) Harlem.
(b) The East Village.
(c) The Upper West Side.
(d) Around Washington Square.

5. What happens to Perkins in 1939 that tests her resilience?
(a) Her mother dies.
(b) She is fired.
(c) She is the subject of impeachment proceedings.
(d) Her husband dies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brooks say, in Chapter 3, is the most powerful way of fighting sin?

2. Which president's wife used to caution him about using the word "I" in his speeches too often?

3. What did an aide of Dwight Eisenhower's compare Eisenhower's temper to?

4. Where was Frances Perkins born?

5. In the Introduction, how does Brooks say people of great virtue make other people feel?

(see the answer key)

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