The River Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The River Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapters 1-3

1. How many men come to Brian's house in Chapter 1?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 5.
(d) 3.

2. What are the men wearing who come to Brian's house?
(a) Camouflage.
(b) Jeans and t-shirts.
(c) Dark suits.
(d) Khakis and button-down shirts.

3. How long ago did Brian's parents divorce?
(a) 1 1/2 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 9 months.
(d) 6 months.

4. What is Brian's last name?
(a) Martin.
(b) Williamson.
(c) Pryor.
(d) Robeson.

5. How long did Brian survive in the Canadian woods?
(a) 2 months.
(b) 63 days.
(c) 3 months.
(d) 54 days.

6. What did someone want to put Brian's face on?
(a) Magazine.
(b) T-shirt.
(c) Newspaper.
(d) Record album.

7. What clothing line did someone want to create using Brian's name?
(a) Jackets.
(b) Hats.
(c) Jeans.
(d) Shirts.

8. What is the first name of the girl Brian met at school and dated a few times?
(a) Deborah.
(b) Maria.
(c) Angela.
(d) Rebecca.

9. What is the last name of the girl Brian dated a few times?
(a) McGuire.
(b) Vance.
(c) McKenzie.
(d) Wyatt.

10. What is Derek's job?
(a) Psychologist.
(b) Instructor.
(c) Astronaut.
(d) Soldier.

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