The River Why Test | Final Test - Medium

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The River Why Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Gus awakes in "the River Writes" what does he see in nature?
(a) The Garden Queen's robe.
(b) Death.
(c) The answer to his existence.
(d) Life.

2. What do Ernie, Emma, and the kids give to Gus in return for fishing lessons?
(a) Fruits and vegetables.
(b) A puppy.
(c) A home cooked meal.
(d) Hugs.

3. What are Henning, Ma, and Bill Bob pretending to play when Gus comes home?
(a) Duck, Duck, Goose.
(b) Go fish.
(c) Musical chairs.
(d) Blind man's bluff.

4. What does Gus buy from Emma that belonged to Hemingway?
(a) A sheep.
(b) A duck.
(c) A cow.
(d) A goat.

5. What figurative door does Gus close at the end of the chapter of the same name?
(a) The door to his family.
(b) The door to his future.
(c) The door to his past.
(d) The door to his fishing career.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Gus so taken by the girl in the tree in "The Warble of the Water Owl"?

2. What does Arjuna tell Hemingway will happen to him if he eats meat?

3. What does Gus do when the girl leaves?

4. Why is one reason Titus did not give for believing that Eddy will find Gus again?

5. What Native American story does Gus tell?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Gus both full and empty emotionally at the end the chapter "Philosophizing"?

2. Explain the scene written about Steve and his family and losing the monkey doll on the mountain.

3. How does the story told by Thomas Bigeater affect Gus? Be sure to state specifics from the story.

4. How are Eddy and Gus alike?

5. What do Henning and his colleagues do metaphysically that Gus does not understand?

6. Explain the relationship between Descartes and Titus.

7. On Gus's trek back home from the source of the Tamanawis, what does he discover about the spiritual source?

8. What exchange do Titus and Gus have and why?

9. How have Henning and Ma changed since Gus has been away? What do they tell Gus is the reason for the change?

10. How does Gus dupe Dutch and why does he do it?

(see the answer keys)

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