The River Why Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The River Why Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is different about Bill Bob's bicycle?
(a) He painted it various colors.
(b) He has placed a large horn on the handlebars.
(c) He has equipped it with multiple objects.
(d) He made the seat very high.

2. What happened with the Doberman and Ma?
(a) It attacked Gus, so she shot it.
(b) Having escaped from its yard, Ma tamed it.
(c) It attacked Bill Bob, so she beat it with a bat.
(d) Ma aimed the shotgun at the owner after it attacked Gus.

3. What happens to Gus on the Fourth of July?
(a) His family comes to visit.
(b) He stops fishing.
(c) He gets invited to a celebration.
(d) He catches his largest fish yet.

4. How many hours per year does Gus's ideal schedule entail?
(a) 4,000.
(b) 1500.
(c) 8000.
(d) 10,000.

5. Why does Gus cry after catching Garbage Gut?
(a) Because Gnat beats the fish to death.
(b) Because he had conquered his quest.
(c) Because he could not eat the fish.
(d) Because it was smaller than he expected.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Gus drinking while he warms in front of the fire with Titus?

2. Who were Gus's closest neighbors at the cabin?

3. According to Gus in "The Ideal Schedule", what makes fishing even better?

4. What is the Rogue River Fishing War all about?

5. What is ironic about the meeting of Carolina and Henning?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Henning wrongfully convince himself that Izaak Walton's book is the bible of fly-fishing?

2. How does Gus differ from the other children?

3. Why is Gus searching for the answer to death?

4. How does Maggie add comic relief to a very serious situation?

5. How does the "Rogue River War" create a stronger bond between Carolina and Henning rather than breaking them apart due to their differences?

6. What is the story of the Garbage Gut bass and why is catching him an anticlimax for Gus?

7. How do Titus and Gus connect?

8. What is Izaak Walton's book about according to Ma? (Describe specific tales from it that she tells)

9. What happens with Gus and Abe? How does Gus speak to Abe? Why does he speak to Abe in this fashion?

10. How do Ma and Henning attempt to make the cabin livable for Gus?

(see the answer keys)

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