The River Why Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The River Why Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Gus voted in his senior year in high school?
(a) Mr. Bait.
(b) Mr. Fisherman.
(c) Mr. Most-Out-Of-It.
(d) Mr. Fly.

2. How do Zeke's two installments of the story differ?
(a) He becomes agitated for the second installment.
(b) He reinvents the first installment in the second.
(c) He changes the dialect.
(d) He is drunk for the second installment.

3. How did Gus react when Henning was going to whup Bill Bob for writing in the book in "Statistical Improbabilities"?
(a) He begged his father not to "whup" Bill Bob.
(b) He cried.
(c) He yelled for his mother.
(d) He howled with laughter.

4. What does Gus state about his fishing memory?
(a) He can remember every number of fish he caught.
(b) He only remembers the large fish he catches.
(c) He recalls every detail that pertains to fishing.
(d) He recalls very little.

5. What does Gus do about his depression?
(a) He fishes less and socializes more.
(b) He cuts himself off from all humans.
(c) He goes to see a psychiatrist.
(d) He visits home.

6. It is said that fishermen are such statisticians that even the fish were counted on what occasion?
(a) After a shipwreck.
(b) After a severe storm.
(c) With Jesus when he feeds the masses.
(d) When a boat is lost at sea.

7. At what age does Gus come to the conclusion that Izaak Walton's book is useless?
(a) 20.
(b) 10.
(c) 15.
(d) 30.

8. How does Carolina stop Henning from catching the fish he has been trying to reel in all day?
(a) She uses a worm and catches it herself.
(b) She convinces him that he is caught on the bottom.
(c) She flirts with him.
(d) She throws her fishing line over his causing it to snap.

9. What did Bill Bob spread all over him that Gus had given him in exchange for a check?
(a) Chocolate sauce.
(b) Hot fudge.
(c) Hershey Kisses.
(d) M & Ms.

10. Why does Zeke tell the story of Carolina and Henning's meeting?
(a) He is Henning's brother.
(b) He is Henning's best friend.
(c) He was with Carolina on the day she met Henning.
(d) He is Carolina's brother.

11. What is Titus wearing that Gus admires but says he would never wear?
(a) Overalls.
(b) Camouflage.
(c) Knickers.
(d) Coveralls.

12. What is Ma's philosophy concerning death?
(a) It is just a continuum of life.
(b) Everyone goes to Heaven.
(c) Only fishermen will be in her afterlife.
(d) Only the dead understand it, so no use talking about it.

13. How does Gus envision himself while speaking of the green and grey in "I Reckon"?
(a) As a lizard.
(b) As a fish.
(c) As a statue.
(d) As a rock.

14. Who/what is Nijinsky as mentioned in Chapter 1?
(a) The steelhead Hen is trying to catch.
(b) A fishing rod.
(c) Carolina's nickname.
(d) Henning's brother.

15. What is ironic about the meeting of Carolina and Henning?
(a) Carolina loves fly-fishing.
(b) Henning believes she is a he.
(c) Carolina has come to hunt.
(d) Henning won't let her fish.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gus do for the first time in a long while with Bill Bob at the cabin?

2. How many rooms are in the cabin that Gus leases?

3. What is the difference in philosophies on raising children between Henning and Carolina?

4. What word does Bill Bob first say to Gus?

5. How does Ma speak to Henning during their disagreement at the dinner table in "Voiding My Rheum"?

(see the answer keys)

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