The River Why Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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The River Why Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Three, Characters in Nature: Little, But Strong and Closing the Door.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of a conversation do Gus and Titus have in front of the fire in "Fainting Before the Duel"?
(a) A sad one.
(b) A witty one.
(c) A serious one.
(d) A silly one.

2. How does Pedro plan on waking his family to see the mouse?
(a) He sets an alarm.
(b) He will poke at them.
(c) He ties string to their fingers.
(d) He will holler.

3. What story does Gus begin to tell at the dinner table in "Voiding My Rheum" that starts an argument between his parents?
(a) About catching a large mouthed bass.
(b) About Bill Bob's dinner habits.
(c) About leasing a fishing cabin.
(d) About problems with his grades.

4. What happens in the barroom during the honeymoon of Henning and Carolina?
(a) Carolina and Henning call a truce.
(b) Henning admits to lying about the number of fish he caught on the honeymoon.
(c) Carolina admits Henning is a better fisherman.
(d) Carolina punches Henning in the nose.

5. What does Henning do about the Izaak Walton book to prove to Ma that her opinion of it is wrong?
(a) He gets other experts to authenticate what is written.
(b) He reads it to Ma.
(c) He debates with Ma about it.
(d) He writes an article showing its good points.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ma retell about the mule and the pike?

2. What are Henning, Ma, and Bill Bob pretending to play when Gus comes home?

3. What is ironic about the modern name for the creek, the US Grant?

4. How does Ma view dams?

5. What is different about Bill Bob's bicycle?

(see the answer key)

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