The River Between Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The River Between Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What rumor is circulated about Muthoni after her death?
(a) She was pregnant.
(b) She was poisoned by the missionaries.
(c) She actually ran away and isn't dead.
(d) She killed herself.

2. What kind of disease does Chege have?
(a) Stomach.
(b) Lung.
(c) Skin.
(d) Heart.

3. Who besides Waiyaki knows the details of the old prophecy?
(a) Reverend Livingstone.
(b) Kabonyi.
(c) Joshua.
(d) His mother.

4. On what does Kinuthia intimate the Gikuyu will have to pay taxes?
(a) Their crops.
(b) Their huts.
(c) Their land.
(d) Their livestock.

5. What does Waiyaki wish he could hold close to him?
(a) His sister's spirit.
(b) The memory of his father.
(c) The river.
(d) The moon.

6. Who visits Waiyaki's hut in Chapter Sixteen?
(a) Kamau.
(b) His mother.
(c) Kinuthia.
(d) Nyambura.

7. Who has Waiyaki tried to talk to but been unable to voice his thoughts?
(a) Kamau.
(b) Kinuthia.
(c) Nyambura.
(d) His mother.

8. To what Bible character does Joshua compare Muthoni?
(a) Delilah.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Lot's wife.
(d) Mary Magdalene.

9. What is it said in Chapter Seventeen that one admired in Joshua?
(a) His compassion.
(b) His gentility.
(c) His fidelity.
(d) His strength.

10. What is the name of the new school?
(a) Kiama.
(b) Demi na Mathathi.
(c) Kihii.
(d) Marioshoni.

11. Who says he could kill Waiyaki?
(a) Kabonyi.
(b) Kamau.
(c) Joshua.
(d) Kinuthia.

12. Which of these is not something Waiyaki says at the meeting is needed for the schools?
(a) Pencils and paper.
(b) Desks.
(c) Lavatories.
(d) More teachers.

13. Who wishes s/he had been told of Muthoni's illness earlier?
(a) Nyambura.
(b) Chege.
(c) Miriamu.
(d) Joshua.

14. What does Waiyaki notice that Joshua knows well?
(a) The names of his congregation.
(b) The Bible.
(c) Hymns.
(d) The white man's laws.

15. Who is weeping at the end of Chapter Twelve?
(a) Waiyaki's mother.
(b) Kabonyi.
(c) Chege.
(d) Nyambura.

Short Answer Questions

1. What starts off the meeting of the parents?

2. What is the most striking thing about Waiyaki?

3. Who is Nyambura going to see?

4. What does "Gikuyu Karinga" mean?

5. What do the Gikuyu people see as the white man's "magic"?

(see the answer keys)

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