The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Test | Final Test - Medium

Edmund Morris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Test | Final Test - Medium

Edmund Morris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Theodore Roosevelt campaign for in the 1888 Presidential election?
(a) Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice.
(b) Benjamin Harrison.
(c) Thomas Hart Benton.
(d) James G. Blaine.

2. What hunter-conservationist organization did Theodore Roosevelt found in 1887?
(a) The Audubon Society.
(b) The Western Frontier Society.
(c) The National Commission for Ecology.
(d) The Boone and Crockett Club.

3. Theodore Roosevelt was returning from a climb to the summit of what mountain when a park ranger brought him a telegram informing him of the President’s deteriorating condition, according to the author in the Epilogue?
(a) Mount Jackson.
(b) Mount McKinley.
(c) Mount Marcy.
(d) Mount Everest.

4. In his role as New York City Police Commissioner, Theodore Roosevelt enlisted the aid of reporters from what publication?
(a) The New York Post.
(b) The New York Times.
(c) The New York Globe.
(d) The Washington Post.

5. On what date did President McKinley die of gangrene from his bullet wounds?
(a) July 3, 1901.
(b) September 2, 1901.
(c) September 6, 1901.
(d) September 14, 1901.

Short Answer Questions

1. By what nickname was Thomas Collier Platt known?

2. Who was the major mob boss who was among the first arrested for violating the Sunday Liquor Law under Roosevelt’s service as New York Police Commissioner?

3. Spain declared war on the U.S. over Cuba on what date?

4. Who, along with William Tiffany, donated to the Rough Riders two Colt Machine Guns that cost $7,500 each?

5. How old was Theodore Roosevelt when he campaigned as the Republican candidate for New York Governor?

Short Essay Questions

1. What major hurdle did Theodore Roosevelt overcome during his nomination as the Republican candidate for New York Governor in Chapter 26, “The Most Famous Man in America”? How was it overcome?

2. Where did Theodore Roosevelt move once he received his appointment of Assistant Secretary of the Navy in Chapter 22, “The Hot Weather Secretary”? How did the Naval Secretary feel about the appointment?

3. What problems arose concerning Elliott Roosevelt in Chapter 17, “The Dear Old Beloved Brother”?

4. How does the author describe Theodore Roosevelt’s time in Florida in Chapter 24, “The Rough Rider”? When did Theodore Roosevelt deploy for Cuba?

5. How was Theodore Roosevelt perceived in his role as Governor of New York, according to the author in Chapter 27, “The Boy Governor”?

6. How does the author describe the men of the Rough Riders in Chapter 24, “The Rough Rider”?

7. How did Theodore Roosevelt handle his opposition once he won the gubernatorial elections in New York, according to the author in Chapter 27, “The Boy Governor”?

8. How did Theodore Roosevelt feel about being nominated for Vice President of the United States, according to the author in Chapter 28, “The Man of Destiny”?

9. When and where was President McKinley shot? Why did Theodore Roosevelt travel on vacation at this time, according to the author in the Epilogue?

10. How was the New York Police Commission structured during Roosevelt’s tenure there? What conflicts did Roosevelt face as Commissioner?

(see the answer keys)

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