The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Edmund Morris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Edmund Morris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 22, “The Hot Weather Secretary”.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Theodore Roosevelt meet at a party that suggested Roosevelt accompany him to Dakota, according to the author in Chapter 7, “The Fighting Cock”?
(a) Commander Isaac Hunt.
(b) Commander Charles Patterson.
(c) Commander James Smith.
(d) Commander H. H. Gorringe.

2. Where did Theodore and Alice Roosevelt retreat for the month of July as construction continued on Roosevelt’s mansion at Oyster Bay, according to the author in Chapter 7, “The Fighting Cock”?
(a) Richfield Springs, New York.
(b) The Pyramid Park Hotel.
(c) Brighton Beach, New York.
(d) Coney Island, New York.

3. As acting Secretary of the U.S. Navy, Roosevelt toured what new ship where he heard the cannons fire for the first time, according to the author in Chapter 22, “The Hot Weather Secretary”?
(a) The USS Maine.
(b) The USS Iowa.
(c) The USS Pennsylvania.
(d) The USS Ohio.

4. What name refers to Republican political activists that bolted from the U.S. Republican Party by supporting Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the Presidential Election of 1884?
(a) Mugwumps.
(b) Turncoats.
(c) Whigs.
(d) Carpetbaggers.

5. What was Grover Cleveland’s position when he served a summons to speak with Theodore Roosevelt in Albany in 1883?
(a) Senator of New York.
(b) Mayor of New York City.
(c) President of the United States.
(d) Governor of New York.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Theodore Roosevelt, as Assistant Secretary to the Navy, deliver an inciting speech speaking against Japan's presence in the Pacific?

2. In 1886, Roosevelt ran as the Republican candidate for mayor of New York City, portraying himself as what persona?

3. Theodore Roosevelt was appointed to the post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy in what year?

4. What was the name of the Navy’s battleship that exploded in Havana Harbor during Roosevelt’s post as Assistant Secretary of the Navy?

5. Who won the election for the Mayor of New York in 1886?

(see the answer key)

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